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-Lucy's POV-

I sat in history listening to our teach speak nonsense, I was looking at the diagram the teacher until someone caught my eye. Bruce yamada, a total ladies man. He had all the girls on there knees for him, even tho I had no chance with him I still liked to stare at him.

As I was staring at him until he turned around a glaced at me. I quickly looked away, I heard him chuckle at look back at the teacher. I felt my cheeks get warm with a blush as I look at my feet in embarrassment.

After about 20 more minutes I hear the bell ringing meaning it time to go home! I walk out of the class and hear a female voice calling me "Lucy!" Gwen says as she pushes threw the crowd. "Hey Gwenny" I say as she finally reaches me.

We walk out of the school to see finney and Bruce talking about baseball. "Finney!" Gwen yells to the boy. They both look over at us. I see finney say something then walk away from Bruce and towards us. " what" he said as we started looking for robin " where's robin?" I said looking around. I was looking for a minute until I saw a familiar face.

Robin, I Motioned for him to come. We stared to walk home, once we got to finneys and gwens house.

They said goodbye and made there way into there house. Me and robin strayed walking home. We were neighbors so we always walk home together. When we reached our houses we said bye and walked into our houses.

When I walked in I saw a note in the kitchen "I have night shift tonight see ya in the morning baby, love mama" the note said next to it was 10$.

I walked over to my couch and turned in tv. After about a hour of wating I got hungry. So I went to grab n go for a snack.

As I was walking I saw Bruce heading the same way with a girl, wait a girl a thought to my self. I felt a wave of jealousy crep in me.

I once forgot it when I walked in grab n go to see Vance hopper. "Hey" he says turning around to look at me. "Hey vancy" I say with a smirk. We have always been kinda close due to my oldest sister dating him. "How's maya" he says referring to my sister. "Ehh being a bitch like always" I say walking into the chips isle.

I hear the bells of the door open and I look at the front to see Bruce flirting with a girl named stella while walking in. I see Vance glare at him, he found out that I liked him around a year ago when he was hanging out with my sister.

I ignore them once I grab my chips and walk to the front to pay.

I placed my chips and a Coke bottle on the counter, and give them my $10 bill. I feel someone looking at me so I turn around to see Bruce eyeing me.

I pay for my things and I grab them off the counter and I turn around and give a small wink at Bruce. After that I saw a small blush on his face.

As I walk out of the store I see Bruce coming up to but this time he's not with a girl. " hi" Bruce says looking at me. "Hi" I say quietly. "Who's that your talking to" I say with a hint of jealousy. "A friend" he says blankly. "I have a game tonight you coming?" He said. "Yeah for finney and maybe you" I said kind of flirting with him. "Mk see ya" he says walking away.

I run to my house and unlock the door to see my little sister maxine. "Tuve que conseguir un paseo de Mallory!" She said mad "ok?" I say with a confusing look on my face. "Mamá dijo que tienes que recogerme porque Katie está en el trabajo.!" She says getting angry. "Ok I'm sorry now shut the fuck up" "also u need to start learning better English" I say walking into my room. I go to my dresser and pick out a fit.

    I put on this outfit and make my way down stairs

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I put on this outfit and make my way down stairs. "I'm leaving I'll Bring you to Tracy's" I say to my sister. "Yay" she says jumping up and down." All right shut up now" I say making my way to the door.

I grab my coke and open it as I open the front door for my sister. "Grab our bikes" I say to her as she skips out the door.

I grab my bike from the garage and kick the kick stand up. I hope on my bike and we head to Tracy's.

Tracy lives right next to the field, so I was happy she made plans with her. I dropped her off and wait for her to go inside, cuz you know creeps.

I park my bike next to the field as I see gwen talking to finney. I walk over to them and I see Bruce talking to his team, I keep staring at him until he looking back at me. I wave and mouth hi to him, he does the same back. I blush and I see him chuckle lightly and I turn around to talk to Gwen. "Let's go sit" she says walking over to the bleachers.

*~time skip~*

{Bruce's POV}

It's the end of the game and I'm up, I look over to see lacy looking at me I look back and blush.

I heard a rumor that she liked me a while back. What she doesn't know is that I like her back.

I smile at her as I walked to home plate. I'm still looking at her until I hear a voice coming from the pictures plate. I turn around and see Finney Shaw. "Shit" I whisper to myself. Finney is one of the best pictures on the team. I start batting I strike out the first two pictures then I feel a slight embarrassment of a turnaround to see Lacy looking at me that last pitch I swing.

I hit the bar and it makes a home run. I feel a smirk creeping onto my face as I run through the bases.

I catch a glance at lacy. She's smiling. I hear my name being called as a run to Home plate. "Bruce Bruce Bruce" my team yelling, we say good game to the other team and a say something to finney. "Your arm is mint you almost had me" I say to him. He gives me a smile in return.

I walk over to lacy. "Wow" she says to me. I laugh, "thanks" I say to her. "Maybe we can hang out later" say hopping she will say yes. "Sure" she says winking to me and walking to finney and Gwen.......

1166 words!
Hi it's my first chapter! I just wanna say I hope this book does well! Bye bye!❤️❤️

Strike ~ Bruce yamadaWhere stories live. Discover now