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-lacy POV-

Omg omg Bruce yamada just asked me to hang out! Lucy says to herself.

As i walk home form the game I see finney walking alone if the sidewalk. Probably on his way to robins. So I walk over to him and say "hey finney" I say to him. I know he hates being called finney, he thinks I makes him sound like a child. "I've told you to stop calling me finney, it's Finn" hey says as I walk next to him. "Anyways, you going over robins?" I ask him as we turn on to his street. "Yeah" "maybe you can come to" he ask while not looking at me. "Cant, I'm hanging out with Bruce tonight sorry." I say kinda feeling bad. "It's ok" hey says as we get to robins house. "Well tell robin I said hi!, and be safe!" I say as he knocks of the door and I walk into my house.

"Hello!" I say looking around the house for anyone. "Mama?" I say as I hear something coming for the kitchen. I hear nothing except the movements. I grab my little sisters toy bat. And walk over slowing thinking theres a robber. "Maya I swear to god I will beat your fucking ass if that's you" I yell at whoever's there. When I make it to the kitchen I scream. It's robin. "WHAT THE FUCK ROBIN." I yell chasing him around my house. "lo siento lo siento lo siento" he yell in Spanish. "Get out Hiji de puta" I say to him as he leaves.

I start getting ready for hanging out with Bruce.

That's what I put on After I get chlothing on I hear the door open

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That's what I put on
After I get chlothing on I hear the door open. "Mama" I ask . This is the time she get out of work. "Hey baby" she says (in Spanish but I'm to lazy to type Spanish soo) "hey mama" I say to her as I walk out of my room to great her. "You look cute, where you off to" she says looking me up and down.

You leave the house and start walking to grab and go. Where Bruce said he would be. When you get there you wait for around 5 mins. "Wait what if he doesn't show up" you over think to your self. Your thoughts get interrupted by Bruce crashing into you,all tired. "Holy shit" you say looking at him. "I just ran all the way here" he says coping your actions. "Uh ok let's just go to the ice cream place" you say motioning towards the ice cream place.

When you guys get to the ice cream place. You go up to the register and order what you want. "I will have mint chocolate chip" you say to the lady. "I'll have the same" hey says now looking down at you. "Ok 4$please." The lady says. I get out 4 $ and I was about to put them on the counter. When Bruce does it first. "Wa-what are you doing" I ask looking at him. "Paying" he say not looking at you. "Oh thanks" as you grab your ice cream.

You guys talk about school and you lives at the place. The. You get bored so you guys start to head home. "That was really fun thanks" you say as you approach your house. "Yeah it was maybe we can do something like that again" he says as you walk up to your drive way. "Bye brucee" you give him a nick name. "Bye n/n" he say coping your words.


Hey guys I'm back lol.
It's been like 2 weeks sorry. Ik this is short but tysm for 500 reads it means so much to me. Also there is no grabber so Bruceee poo is fine. Also I'm not sure if I should make a Tristan x reader story?

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