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Tyler Miller portrayed by Johnny Depp

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Tyler Miller portrayed by Johnny Depp

Age: 21 Years old

Occupation/ College Student & Baseball player


Dwayne Wright portrayed By Morris Chestnut

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Dwayne Wright portrayed By Morris Chestnut

Age: 27 years old

Occupation/ Professor


[Lyric Monroe]
  1993, October 27th
Manhattan NY

Eyes still shut, her small hands unplugged the loud alarming clock from the circuit. Rubbing her dark brown eyes, around the room she glanced not loving how the sun beamed through the sets of brown blinds from the nice-sized window on the left side of the room. Around her small waist, his arms wrapped holding her close.

Under the white comforter, her naked body lay in a bed full of guilt and regret. Last night's events hit her like a wind full of strong gusts. There, her husband, Dwayne began to awaken due to her now removing herself from his grasp. Against the cold wooden floor, her feet shivered. Sliding the grey joggers up her thick thighs, She tied the strings making sure it was tight enough.

Searching around the room for her black bra, She walked into the master bathroom while inching to hurriedly place it back on. Neither of them bothered to speak to one another, the silence told it all.


" Don't stress yourself out over this Lyric." She licked over her pink lips, going over to the white counter to grab her blue toothbrush. In her mind, sleeping with her husband soon to be ex-husband wasn't supposed to happen, It was simply one of those nights filled with too many drinks that soon shifted.

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