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Well I think the cat-breed has met the end of his pathetic life. I mean mise aswell just take him out of his misery.

"You being hissy will only end you up in the morg" I threatedn the boy kicking him into the wall.

He'd whine in pain again, "yall just mad you're little crush wants me & not you!" George hissed.

"If you didn't reject wilbur so many times you wouldn't be in this mess" punz hummed, "but maybe but that boy can't escape us"

"He totally  can there is that window" George hissed.

"He escapes we take his ability  to walk" fundy growled, "simple"

"So you're gonna add more charges and rape him?" George hissed, "yeah you guys are smart"

"Oh shut it that's hoe you lost ur eats and tail" Wilbur grumbled.

"You guys are monsters, just except it!" George hissed.

Wilbur slamed him into a wall and he fell limped, passed out bleeding out of hid head.

"Wilbur you went all obessed over that thing?!" I said.

"Well- I think we all have a new obession-" Wilbur huffed, "that being dream"

"Yeah-" the rest of us say.

We draged George to a room and locked him in. No windows no nothing just  complete  utter darkness.

"Suffer you stupid annoying cat" punz snared slaming the door shut and locking it.

The door makes it comeptely  sound proof, we went back to dream.

"Where's the boy?" He said seeing Wilbur.

"What boy?" Illumia said, "must be your imagination"

"Haha very funny brickboy" Dream huffed throwing rhe apple core at illumia.

"That is a nice trashcan you've found" fundy hummed.

"Mkay flufzoid" Dream huffed, "I noticed"

"I am not a trashcan!" Illumia huffed tossing it at quackity.

Quackity left to dispose  of the core and I just went and sat by dream.

"What is it panda?" He huffed.

"Hes just sitting down don't worry about it lil boy" punz said smirking.

Dream hummed getting up and went to walk passed, but I grabed him and held him.

"Let me go you Rachet ravernette" he'd huff pushing me off getting up and walking off to a corner away.

"Damn-" techno hummed, "that's new"

"Shut it" I snaped at techno.

Ollie mowed at went over or tried to before Wilbur picked  him up.

"So you're taking the cat to" Dream hissed at Wilbur.

I look up, "so that's why ur cocky"

"What?" Dream glared at me.

"Your lonely-" Karl  hummed.

"It's boring in a diggy add basement but it's not like kidnappers give a fuck about there captive party" Dream snared.

We looked off, "you never know" Wilbur said softly petting the cat.

"Oh I know you assholes don't you probably  just want to use my body" Dream grumbled.

"Don't listen to the shows we're not all like how they portrayed me and q used to he just like you" Karl said.

"Sure  you wore, just leave me alone to root" Dream grumbled.

We'd sigh, "wil leave ollie" I demanded.

Wilbur put it down and we left going to watch the TV
Well. Is georgo dead.

Dimmed lights - Dreamharem [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now