jay quotes season one

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Why would u do that? Why? -rise of the snakes

Mmm cotton candy!-rise of the snakes

All our video games...gone!- home

Nobody messes with my family!- snakebit

This is not the time to be cryptic-snakebit

Shake it till you break it- the royal blacksmiths

My true potential! - once bitten twice shy

Did i ever tell you i was the first one to learn spinjtzu. .. no i invented spinjtzu. .yeah thats it. I also invented some other moves like the karate double chop. No no no the prick from the fangyper fang no this isnt happening its just a rash. Its ok your gonna do great jay this is ur chance to shine- once bitten twice shy

Help samurai! where are you?- the snake king

Wait! Wait for me!- day of the great devourer

Leave my parents alone! Lightning! - day of the great devourer

We're so hooped- day of the great devourer

Looking for me? -day of the great devourer

I hope u enjoyed jay season one quotes next is.... zane☺

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