Gee thanks- rise of the snakes
Jay if anything horrible were to happen i just want u to know u dont have to wear cologne or be anything that your not cause i like you best when your you. - once bitten twice shy
Oh your cancelling- once bittentwice shy
Yea its just the portions are so big and to think we spilt our dish- once bitten twice shy
Are you done yet? ... cause things just got worse- day of the great devourer
Ok thats all i can think of right now. Im not really a nya fan (no offense)
But next is sensei wu and after him i will start season two quotes.
Ninjago Quotes seasons 1-5
Diversosthis is a book filled with all ninjago quotes from your favorite ninjas kai, jay, zane, cole and lloyd plus nya sensei wu garmadon pixal and skylor and many more hope you love it i dont not own ninjago it belongs to lego company i wish i did though...