Chapter Three

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Ugh, my head was killing me, and I was far too warm. It was the warmth that woke me, my room was normally always freezing since I left a window open whenever I went to bed, so I could sleep. After the warmth came to me my hearing came to me and I heard chanting in the ancient language, but they were pronouncing it wrong, and I could tell they were getting frustrated when nothing was happening. I opened my eyes and saw crates surrounding me, when I went to sit up it was a lot harder than I expected. My hands and feet were both bound with heavy rope, I was sitting on a plank next to a large fire and the red strangers that broke into the house were surrounding me kneeling at a strange structure in the middle of the circle.

The museum curator was the one chanting, he was reading out of the book of the dead, and totally screwing up the pronunciation. It was painful to listen to. Growing up with my mom, the ancient language was practically my first language, English being my second. The leader of the group of red warriors Lock-Nah I believe that's what Ardeth called him was carrying the chest. Looking around I couldn't see Alex which means that they had only taken the chest and me, Alex was safe. His shouting was getting more persistent and more annoying, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop, please stop, your butchering it and offending my ears" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Thankfully he did stop, only to look up at me. So was everyone else and I shifted uncomfortably on my plank. I never liked being the center of attention.

"You know how to properly pronounce this of course, because you raised him the first time, if I am butchering your ears as you put it then fix the pronunciation and raise him again." Baltus Hafez the museum curator said.

"What on earth are you talking about, raised who? And of course, I know how to speak the ancient language my mother taught me that before she taught me English" I shook my head at him, this man was crazy, I mean I already knew that from the way he always looked at me and my brother when we came to the museum but this was a whole new level of crazy.

"There is no need to pretend Evelyn O'Connell, we know all about your adventures in the city of the dead" Baltus Hafez, Lock-Nah, and the others were all giving me leering looks and it made me shudder. I remember the smile on Lock-Nah's face when he said he would kill me and Alex.

"I'm not Evelyn O'Connell, I'm her daughter Nova O'Connell" their faces transformed from that of evil masterminds to confused idiots, it made it very difficult not to laugh.

"That's not possible there is only one O'Connell child a young boy named Alex, I have seen you come with him all the time" Baltus Hafez was looking flustered and even more confused.

"Alex is my little brother, just think when you saw us here and followed us around as a major creep did you ever once hear him call me mom, or when you broke into our house tonight did anyone hear him call me mom?" the truth of the matter was dawning on each of their faces and I could see that Lock-Nah was glaring at the floor. It looked like he was angry at not figuring it out.

"Anyway, your pronunciation you're saying 'yeh-too-eye' if you want to pronounce it right it is 'yah-two-high' be a little more forceful in your enunciation and you should get it right." They looked at me with shocked expressions like they didn't understand what I was saying. So, I repeated it. "YAH-TWO-HIGH, YAH-TWO-HIGH, YAH-TWO-HIGH" I wanted to show him that the more forceful and stronger the enunciation the more precise the pronunciation. But before I could say anything more the structure in the middle of the circle shattered and there stood a living mummy.

"oh my god," my jaw dropped. The others all fell to the floor kneeling for the mummy, I couldn't help but stare at him. "I always knew the stories were true, but it's a lot different to know and to see it for yourself. This is incredible" the mummy stopped pacing and stared at me, he walked closer, I could tell it was a man from the way he carried himself, he just screamed dominant male. My naturally shy submissive nature demanded I show respect so I did, I lowered my eyes and tilted my head showing my neck. He stopped short of just a few feet from me, I wanted him to come closer, I needed him to, he was amazing, and I wanted to know more.

"untie her" he commanded, the people on either side of me quickly did as he said, I got into a more comfortable position on the plank, I was on my knees with my hands behind my back and my head bowed. It felt natural to be in this position in front of him. "what is your name" he asked, his finger lifting my chin so that I would be staring at him.

"Nova" I answered, it came out breathy and quiet, I didn't want to disturb the silence that had been created.

"You brought me back why?"

"He was pronouncing it wrong, I just wanted to show him the right way" I looked at Baltus Hafez who was still bowing to the man in front of me. He looked at him as well.

"Why did you want to bring me back?" Baltus Hafez quickly stood straight, but still refused to meet his eyes, I knew he would see it as a sign of disrespect, when you are addressed you pay all your attention to him.

"It is the year of the scorpion High Priest Imhotep," Baltus Hafez said as if that would explain everything.
"so" Baltus Hafez gaped and scrambled for more words to explain why they raised Imhotep when the doors suddenly opened. I watched as a beautiful woman dressed in a sexy black dress walked up to us and stared at the man in front of me, she looked him right in the eye, and without letting him acknowledge her she spoke to him.

"My name is Meela Nais, I am Anck Su Namun reincarnated, I helped find you so that you may take over the world as is your right with the scorpion king's army." He studied her for a moment before nodding his head.

"You may have some of her memories, but you are only Anck Su Namun in body not soul." He walked around her, studying her more when she turned to face him again.

"We brought you her as a present we thought you might like to watch the women who put you back in your grave the last time you were raised burn" she smiled evilly at me but I did not acknowledge her, I was staring at him. He looked sharply at me, studying me with new eyes, trying to see my mother in me I guess. She was the one who killed him last time, so I suppose it won't be long before he kills me in retaliation.

"She is not the one who killed me," he told Meela, she looked shocked, turning toward Baltus who also shook his head at her.

"well then, she is meaningless and will die anyway, she has seen too much to live." She lifted her chin at the two men on either side of me and they stood picking up my plank and heading towards the large fire behind me. They were going to throw me in it I could tell. I closed my eyes, fighting would achieve nothing and I refused to let her have the satisfaction of seeing me afraid.

"STOP" was shouted with such power from the man they called Imhotep that the walls and ceiling shook. The men carrying my plank stopped, walked back to where we originally were, placed my plank back down on the crates, and kneeled in front of him once again. I was still in my kneeling position, I lowered my head and tilted it exposing my neck, to show respect once again and to show my thanks.

"She will not be harmed, I have her to thank for raising me, and I will not pay that debt by letting her be killed," he said it loud so that everyone could hear him, his voice brokered no argument.

"She did not raise you Baltus did reading from the book of the dead." She scoffed, at the mere idea of me raising high priest Imhotep. I gasped at the tone she took with him, I saw how he turned towards her slowly, she took a sudden step back and cowered. I can't believe she doubted him, and even if she did she showed it that was very disrespectful and I feel sorry for him, she should not have treated him that way.

"Nova explain how I was raised"

"Baltus was pronouncing it wrong, and when I woke to hear him becoming more angered at his speech, the more he garbled the words, I pronounced it correctly for him and showed him that enunciating it in the right places would enhance the pronunciation. When I repeated it three times the High Priest awoke" I said all of this with my head down but made sure that I could still be heard. I didn't want to disrespect him in the way she had. But I was curious as to why he had me explain instead of having Baltus explain it.

He walked back over to me and lifted my head again. The most amazing black eyes I have ever seen, captured my wide green eyes, they were so memorizing, it was as if staring at them you were caught in a black hole until nothing else mattered but him. He nodded at me. I caught movement behind him up on the balcony and when my eyes flickered I saw it was my parents, they both had guns and were getting ready to shoot, their aim pointed right at him.

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