Chapter Six

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When I awoke, I was alone, and coldness seemed to be spreading out from my soul, dragging my mood to the depths of hell. I was no longer tied up so I stood from the bed. looking around I saw a mirror and based on what it showed me I looked like hell. My eyes were all red and swollen, it was obvious that I had cried. I did not want Alex to see me like this but there was nothing I could do, I needed to check on him and make sure he was okay. I ran my finger through my hair trying to tame the rat's nest my curls had become.

After I deemed myself acceptable, I walked over to the doors, they were locked of course. They were even shrouded in Lord Imhotep's power. If I magicked the door open, he may be alerted that I was now awake, but he also may not. I did not have enough knowledge about magic, and being the only person to have it did not leave a lot of opportunity to learn or practice with others. I desperately wanted to see Alex, so I would just have to risk it. As soon as I lifted my hand to undo the lock on the door it opened and Lord Imhotep stood in front of me.

I jumped back, he had surprised me. I stared at him struck as if by lightning. He was beautiful, I noticed last night, but looking at him again now in the morning sunlight he was even more breathtaking. "Um... I...I just wanted to see Alex and make sure he was okay" I told him looking now at the ground. He was wearing a robe, it slit open to show the top of his chest and I knew that I had already been caught starting (more like drooling) at it.

"Please can you take me to Alex?" I asked him, no need to be rude. Out of everyone on this train, he was like me and Alex. Trapped. They had woken him to use him for evil, and I don't think they cared what he wanted, sure they feared him and his power, but he was in a new century, with no knowledge of how to survive and blend in. The only other people he knew were the Medjai and my parents, both of those groups would sooner kill him than help him. I truly felt sorry for Lord Imhotep, and promised myself, that since he had protected me and Alex so far, I would try and help and protect him in return. Maybe that would soothe the guilt I felt towards both him and my family.

"He is awake and asking for you... I told him I would bring you as soon as you woke up, hence my presence now" Lord Imhotep said, he gave me a small smirk, and I flushed. It was like he knew all the dirty thoughts that I had about him last night were running through my head.

"Thank you," I told him in a whisper. He grabbed my elbow lightly and led me out into the corridor before leading me to the kitchen we went to last night.

When we entered, I saw Alex eating a bowl of oatmeal and smiled running to him I brought him in for a hug. I had missed him, the thought of him being alone when we were surrounded by danger was enough to stop my heart. He hugged me back as tightly and started to cry a little bit. The stress of this situation was beginning to take its toll on all of us.

"You should eat something... to maintain your strength," Imhotep said.

"Oh... right thanks," I told him, I let go of Alex and quickly made myself a bowl of oatmeal and saw a nectarine on the counter so I added it to my place setting before grabbing a bottle of water. When I sat down, I turned to look at Lord Imhotep who was just leaning against the island counter staring at me and Alex.

"Do you know why they kidnapped me and Alex?" I asked him. He nodded and turned to look at Alex who was mulishly pushing around the porridge in his bowl.

"Alex... what did you do?" I asked in concern. He sighed before lifting the sleeve on his right arm, and sitting there was the Bracelet of Anubis. I frowned at it, I could feel the power emanating from the bracelet, vibrating the air around us.

"What does this mean for us?" I asked Lord Imhotep.

"The bracelet will lead us to the Oasis of Ahm Shere and the golden pyramid of the scorpion king. We have seven days to reach the pyramid from the moment he put the bracelet on. If we do not reach it in time the bracelet will suck the life out of him" Lord Imhotep said. I froze in horror my eyes going wide, I turned to Alex.

"When did you put the bracelet on Alex?" my voice was shaking I was so scared.

"It's been about a day and a half," Alex said dejectedly, he it seemed had already been informed about the timeline. I turned back to Lord Imhotep "Do you think we can arrive on time?" I asked him terrified for the life of my brother. Lord Imhotep nodded.

"We have already passed the first location the bracelet showed to Alex last night, and he told me of the next spot. I fear we will need to leave the train and travel on foot soon but, the gods would not have given us an impossible task." Lord Imhotep said soothing me with gentle words.

"Why are you helping us? I thought you were supposed to be evil" Alex said suspicion heavy in his words.

"Alex don't be rude" I softly corrected him still shell-shocked that my brother was essentially given a death sentence.

"I have never been evil... The Hom Dai cursed me to try and bring evil to this world but if I had not been buried under that curse, I would not have killed so many when I last walked the earth." Lord Imhotep said. "...And the only reason I was cursed in the first place is because I was trying to save Anck Su Namun's soul, after her killing the pharaoh and then taking her own life. She was just a child when she wed the pharaoh, I thought she had been punished enough."

Alex gave him a thoughtful look and then nodded. "Well, you have kept me and my sister safe so far so I guess that means you're okay in my book... but what are you going to do when we arrive in Ahm Shere, they want you to take over the world and kill the scorpion king... will you?" I looked at Lord Imhotep waiting for his answer to Alex's question.

"I have no desire to take over the world, I wish to just live a peaceful life" he answered never once removing his eyes from mine. I could tell that the peaceful life he wanted to live, he wanted to live with me. I was confused I thought he had found his soul mate why was he forsaking her for me? I was nobody, sure I had telekinetic powers but still that paled in comparison to finding one's soulmate. You are my soulmate. I heard his voice in my head. I jumped and looked at him wide-eyed. He could not be telling the truth I would have known. But you do know, you have dreamt of me for years, in all of your mothers' stories you rooted for me the bad guy, as soon as we met a peaceful warmth filled you bringing with it the sensation of rightness. I was dumbfounded and couldn't think of anything to say, there was a knock before the kitchen door swung open and Lock-Nah entered.

"We have arrived at the second location and will be disembarking soon. Please, Lord Imhotep, gather whatever you would like to take with us. I will guard the prisoners" Lock-Nah smiled cruelly at me and Alex. I grabbed my brother and hid him behind my back.

"No need to be nasty Lock-Nah, they have been thoroughly warned not to try my patience... be careful with them, especially the boy he will lead us." Lord Imhotep said protecting us once again. I caught his eyes Thank you he nodded in return. We will talk more soon. Having just found you my pet I have no intention of losing you any time soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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