Ariel as Luna
Erik as Sombra
King Triton as Thunderlane
Ariel's sisters as Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack
Flounder as Spike
Sabastian as Gallus
Chef Louis as Discord
Ursula as Chrysalis [disguised as Fluer De Lis]
Flotsam and Jetsam as Ember and Garble
Scuttle as Soarin
Carlotta as Silverstream
Grimsby as Fancy Pants
Max as Tracker's hound dog Wolfgang
Vanessa[Ursula's human form] as Gilda
MLP The Little Mermaid
FanficIt's similar to the movie The Little Mermaid, but it's a little different