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"This is me. Just your seemingly ordinary 13-year-old girl. Here's the catch though - I'm not. Yeah, you heard that right, I'm not. I'm not ordinary. I'm not Natasha-the-ordinary-human like everyone thinks I am. I'm Natasha-the-extraordinary-human!!! Okay, you probably didn't believe a word I said, but it's true. You, my diary, are the only one I've told, and probably the only one I can ever tell. Nobody would believe me, besides, I've been sworn to secrecy."

"Ha. There. That's what I wrote in my diary! The first day I found out!" I told Holly, Kylie and Brooke, who are my best friends, and the only one people I've ever ever told. Other than that diary, of course. That was two years ago. I'm 15 now, and I'm still kind of the same as how I was when I was 13. Haha! Anyway, that whole secret "I'm-not-ordinary-I've-been-sworn-to-secrecy" thing, it's real.

Okay, so it all happened two years ago, earlier in the day that I wrote that diary entry. I was out exploring. I love where we live. Like love-love-love. There are beautifully stunning four seasons and just the right amount of winds and humidity. The best part? The nature. The views. Right outside my bedroom window is an absolutely majestic view of mountains!! They're a few minutes walk away, so I go there often. Sometimes when I've got enough time, I climb to the peak to enjoy the fantastic view! It's very cool and breezy, and some peaks have permanent snow! What's on the other side of the house? A beach! I know, right?! It's awesome! That's not all, though! Don't forget the woods on the side of the house! What about the lake on the other side? I live in a wonderfully homey and cosy community in a great town, a 15 minute ride to the downtown of the city, with excellent schools; great recreation centres; fabulous restaurants; the best parks; various museums, galleries, cinemas, shopping centres, theatres and performing arts companies, including theatre, chorale, orchestra, dance, what else?! What more could you ask for in a place to live? The city itself is also excellent, but I've never been much of a city girl. I like the peace and quiet of more suburban areas, as well as the convenience of the city nearby. Oh, and we have a farm too. Not just a crop farm, but, yeah, sure, that too. It's also a fruit farm, a typical chicken-pig-cow farm and a horse farm! The animals aren't for eating, though! That's just gross, wrong and immoral! Sorry, meat-eaters out there, I don't mean to offend you, and I won't stop you from eating meat if you really want to, but for me? No. Sorry, but no. I've grown up with these guys! They're my friends and I love them all! They're my pets! Along with my dogs, of course. Imagine eating your friends or pets though! It just doesn't work for me. Anyway, as I was saying, I think it's the absolute best place to live. In the world. Really! Now, some of you may probably want to move here now after hearing even just a fraction of all the good stuff here! There aren't even any bad stuff, in my opinion! I'm sorry, I can't tell you where I live. Not since I'm about to tell you want I meant by extraordinary!

Right, so, when I was exploring in the woods, I found a path, about 20 minutes in towards the middle left of the woods. I followed it 'til it split, and I turned right. The I found a clearing. I've never explored this part of the woods! It was wonderful though! The sun's rays shone in forming a ring around the clearing. I knew this doesn't normally happen. There was something going on.

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