The prom date

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This takes place 3 weeks later.

Amity's pov:

It's been 3 weeks since I became friends with Luz again. We are like besties again. We have gotten closer in these past three weeks. I am even friends with Willow and Gus now too. Luz and I have been having sleepovers on the weekends now like we used to. She has even been coming to the library with me on mondays to help read to the kids. Everything has been going fine. Except when I am at home. I hate living here sometimes. My mom found out I am not friends with Boscha ,Brianna , and Stella anymore she grounded me for 3 days which wasn't that Bad. But I told my mom that Boscha was leaving me out in things and my mom obviously didn't give shit. Then yesterday I also told her that Boscha is going to prom with Skara. Even though that's not true. She just said it's fine and told me not find a prom date this year since she does t want me going with anyone else.

"Hey mittens." Em and Ed came in to my room like they do every's kind of annoying sometimes but it's nice of them.


"How's your Girlfriend doing?"

"What do you mean? I don't have a girlfriend."

"We're talking about Luz."

"What no we're just friends."

"Yeah right. We can tell."

"Okay fine your right just please don't tell anyone that including mom."

"We won't tell anyone as long as you don't tell mom that we skipped school today."

"Wait you guys did?"

"Yep. Please don't tell mom though she's going to kill us if you tell her."

"I won't tell her anything."

"Also mom told us to tell you to be downstairs by 5:30 we're supposed to go and pick out something to wear for prom." Edric said while walking out of my room with Emira."

My siblings were right. I have a crush on Luz. Maybe it's stupid. There's no way she likes me back. But Luz is so kind, amazing, smart, adorable, cute, and caring. I just love her so much. 

I wanted to ask her to prom but I am scared to do that. I probably will never even ask her out just because I am scared of it ruining our friendship. I just need to make sure she doesn't find out that I l like her more than a friend. We are best friends again and I am not ruining that. It's 5:30 so I head downstairs before I get yelled at.


"Sorry mom I didn't realize the time."

"Oh a sorry won't fix things up your grounded."

I know I was supposed to be down at 5:30 but I lost track of time and got downstairs at 5:31.

My mom drags me into the basement pulling my hair with Em and Ed. I don't even know what they have to do with this. But luckily the basement is t bad it's not messy at all since the maids clean it. The basement just has random stuff like a extra bedroom and a tv. It's just where mom puts us sometimes when we are punished.


Then mom literally went to go and drag us in the car. Mom has gotten worse in the past couple of weeks. She didn't take our phones luckily. Mom didn't want us to talk so I was talking with Ed and Em on the phone. We were texting the whole time in the car.

Mom made us get out of the car and pick out something to wear for prom. We ended up being in the store for 2 hours because whenever I found something I like my mom didn't like it. Then I finally found something that I liked and my mom actually agreed with something.

Then the whole car ride back home was again quiet. When I got home I was in the basement with my siblings because we has to spend 5 fucking days. 5 fucking days in this basement just because I got downstairs 1 minute late. Only one minute late. With my mom apologizing never works. 

I'm the basement it's loud because in the basement there is a room where my dad does all his work. So it's really loud in there. It's why my mom puts me and my siblings in the basement as a punishment. Just so we could listen to the annoying things here. Upstairs you don't even hear it.

"Hey mittens." Emira talked.

"You really need to stop calling me mittens it's getting annoying."

"Yeah whatever but maybe you should ask Luz to go to prom with you."

"I don't know. Wouldn't it be weird though because we are friends."

"No not really. I go with to prom with my friend but we just go as friends. Since you have a crush on Luz it's the perfect time to tell her your real feelings for her."

"I don't think I can."

"You can do it. You should ask her at school tomorrow." 

"I might do it."

I think actually might do it though.

 The next day 

 It's the next day so I was walking to school with my siblings as usual. Ed didn't even bother to start the whoever get to school first has to do the winners chores thing. Instead Ed and Em were talking about me asking Luz to prom. The wouldn't leave me alone about it. They get like this  all the time when it's about this stuff.

We got to school so we went to our lockers to put our things down. We were early today. But Luz was already there she was by herself. Willow and Gus were not there yet. My siblings came running back to me telling me to go and ask her. They went to push me right in front of her. 

"Hey Amity."

"Oh um h-hi Luz." I can't tell my face was red as a tomato and my siblings were seriously recording.

"Amity are you ok?"

"Yeah i-I'm fine. I w-was actually w-wondering I-If y-you w-wanted to to um go to um."

I couldn't even ask her. 

"Iwaswonderingifwanttogotopromwithmebitjistasfriends."I said that really fast I don't think she could even understand what I said.


"Wait really?"

"Yep. I was also actually going to ask you to." I couldn't believe it. Luz was actually going to ask me to prom to.


The next chapter is a little timeskip to a week later 

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