Chapter One

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May 2, 2010.

So this is the last day before the summer break and this year hasn't been that good, my family hates me, my girlfriend died and all my friends are disappointed in me. I wish i was fucking dead.

November 7, 2009.

Today me and my girlfriend, Taylor, are going to celebrate our 1 year anniversary, so I made her a mixtape of our favorite songs which contains mostly songs by The Smiths and The Black Keys. And that day i caught her staring at this green diamond ring like she wanted it so hard, I bought her that ring and put it in the gift box with the mixtape. It's been a really long time since the last time we had part time together and I reserved a table at this restaurant so we could have a perfect night. I really wanna go back to when we used to text everyday for hours and remind each other that nothing will tear us apart.

One hour later...

She was really late and I decided to call her cell phone and suddenly her mother answered the phone while she was sobbing, "Hey, Mrs. Johnson, are you alright?" I said. "Matthew! Taylor had an accident and she is in the hospital now." She said while she was crying so loud. "I'm coming right now!" I said. While I was sweating so hard and I ran to my friend, Kyle, and asked him to drive me to the hospital and once I arrived I ran to her room and suddenly, I saw her lying in this purple gown, her make-up is ruined and she is all covered in blood and her eyes were closed, I put my hand on her cheek and said "Don't worry, love. Everything will be okay." while i was crying. And then suddenly she is out of breath and her temperature was really turning down and that's when I realized she died in my arms. I started screaming her name so loud while i was crying and I refused to leave the room, until the covered her in a white sheet and I started yelling and crying so hard and I wasn't able to control myself until I got forced to get out of the hospital.

May 2, 2010.

I still remember the day she died like it was yesterday, I still can't get over it, I try so hard to forget but I just can't. Everything that used to make me happy were things that I used to do with her, so it makes it even worse for me, there's a lot of depressing things that happened in my life, but I got through everything with her and now I think i'm really depressed and I can't think about anything except of her, my clothes still smell like her and the pictures, they keep reminding me, I can't touch or look at anything without remembering her, she made me forget all the pain and just seeing her smile made everything seem like heaven to me. I decided to go visit her grave and once i stood in-front of her grave I started crying "I miss you so much." and I sat by her grave for hours sobbing and crying and at 8:00 pm I got back home and I received many texts from people, but I couldn't read any because I decided that I have to move on and focus on my life and future, and these texts are not helping in anything but making me remember her. I laid on my bed and I couldn't stop over-thinking about her until i fell in deep sleep.

May 3, 2010.

I woke up feeling dizzy , my eyes are being molested by the sun and I can't feel my toes. I grabbed my pack and pulled out a cigarette, put it in my mouth then I lit it and I couldn't stop about things that happened the past months and how my grades were down and my family were so disappointed and I miss my big brother, Aaron, that went to college in San Francisco, California. Whenever mom and dad were mad, he always made everything better and helped me fix everything when I mess up. Once he's gone, everything seemed to go out of control and tragedies happened. They say that good things come to those who wait and I'm waiting for life. Since Taylor's accident I haven't called anybody went to school ever this semester except for when I went for the finals. So Kyle phoned me and asked me if we could meet today and I decided that I will meet him and have fun and try to forget the past. Later, he arrived with his car. "Get in, Man!" He said. "Okay." I replied. There was this girl sitting in the backseat of the car, she was so beautiful, she had this beautiful smile and the freckles on her face that brings out her beauty and her hair was not so long nor so short, her hair was black like coal and her eyes were blue as the sea, she reminded me alot of Taylor, she really looked just as much as beautiful as her, She really captured my attention and I stood for like 5 minutes looking at her face. "Aye, man, you okay?" Kyle said. "Oh, Sorry." I got in the car and couldn't stop staring at her. I pulled out my last cigarette and made a wish that I can be able to forget the past and move on and I wished for a Bugatti Veyron, too. So there was this party at the girl in backseat's house, which I still don't know her names house, and Kyle told her that he will bring some friends and I was one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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