Interviews pt1 (requested)

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Xochitl pov:
Yn and I have another interview for marvel movies me playing America and her playing Morgan its kind of crazy

So far in two interviews we got asked if we were dating each other which was kind of awkward because we're only 16 like who asks kids that question

We have another one in 2 hours so I'm just sitting in my dressing room waiting for Jimmy Fallon to call us out

I hear a knock on the door and it must be Yn

I get up and open the door to see my one and only girlfriend that hopefully Jimmy won't ask about

And plus he's not the type to go snooping in peoples business he's a cool guy

"Hey there beautiful" Yn greets me

"Shhh someone could her that and start asking questions" I say as she walks in and hugs me

"Do you really care if people hear?"

"Yea I know that we came out to our parents but then the whole world will know and there are a lot of noise people and what if they all hate me" I can't believe how fast I just said that

"It's ok bubs if anyone has a problem with us being together I will fight them ok?" Yn said while I hid in her neck and she gave me little head scratches

"If your not ready to tell people that we are together that's ok just tell me when you are ready" she says in her cute and calm voice

"Ok" I mumble

"What I could not really hear you" she said in between kisses on my four head

"Ok" I said a little louder so she could hear me

Time skip****

Yn pov:

Xochitl and I are walking out to meet Jimmy Fallon and honestly I am a big fan

He treats his guests like family

I know that Xochitl is scared to tell people but I want her to be comfortable not scared

We sit down on surprisingly bouncy chairs

Noah Schnapp was right they are bouncy

I get pulled out of the zone when Jimmy says "nice to meet you Yn"

"Nice to meet to to I'm honestly a big fan of you" god why am I so awkward

Shoot we're live I think as I mentally slap myself

"Thanks" he says while we sit down

"So Xochitl what's it like to be working with such an amazing actress like Yn and Yn what is it like working with and amazing actress like Xochitl" he said chuckling a bit

Damn that's a long first question

Xochitl pov:

"Xoch do you wanna start Yn" asks me

I nod nervously

"Umm it's been really great working with her I mean she has had so much projects before and has been acting in the film industry longer then me so it was pretty cool and she showed me a few pointers,Yn?"

"Aww that was really nice" Jimmy said

"Probably the nicest thing I will say to her for the rest of the year" I joke and we all laugh

"Yea" she laughs out

God she's beautiful

Damn it Xoch snap out of it

"It's been amazing to have someone my age on set because everyone else is older and since I have semi bad anxiety she always helps me talk to people" She smiled after she said that and I smiled back

Time skip again bc why not****

"So last question and I don't mean to pry but a lot of people have been asking if you two are dating and a lot of people ship you two"

Yn looks at me and I look at her and I think she can see she fear in my eyes so she said "no we aren't dating we are just good friends who have each other's backs"

She smiles and me and I smile back

"Ok then folks I guess that wraps it up, it's been fun meeting you two"Jimmy said before we head to the back

Yn pov:

"You ok Xochitl" I ask while we get in the car

"You seem tense and scared and usually that me so something has to be wrong"

"I'm fine" she says in a really sad tone

"I know you are lying to me but if you don't wanna talk right now it's fine I'll be right here when you do wanna talk ok?"

"Ok" she said as she leans her head against my shoulder

And I slowly drifted off to sleep waiting till we got to out hotel

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