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The three that were still awake were busy in the kitchen. Two creating a huge mess while one just sat there and watched.

"Huening, I said no touching! You can not cook!" Yeonjun shouts, smacking Huening Kai's hand away from the almost cooked noodles.

"Hey, careful you two.. you guys are creating a big mess. Taehyun and Beomgyu won't be happy to see this." Soobin said from the counter.

"Yeah? Well why don't you come here and help us instead of being on your damn phone, hm?" Yeonjun shouts again.

"Ugh, will you three shut up." Taehyun said from the stairs, looking dead as hell. "Beomgyu is sleeping, and I was too until sOmeone woke me with their shouting."

"Sorry, these two idiots are just not helping me at all and Huening is making such a mess." Yeonjun huffed.

"Yeah, I'd rather not help. It's not baking so I'll just sit out." Soobin stated. "Plus I'm not the one eating anyways."

"Hm, yeah I guess you're fine. Huening on the other hand is making a mess rather than helping so STOP HELPING!!"

"Fineeeee!" With that, Huening sat over at the kitchen table. Away from messing anything else up.

"Should've just ordered McDonald's or something." Taehyun scoffed before going back upstairs. "I'm going back to sleep."

"Alright." Soobin replied.

Soobin ended up helping Yeonjun since he was struggling on doing everything at once, like cutting the veggies and seasoning the noodles.

Meanwhile, Taehyun was tryna go back to sleep. But he couldn't. Beomgyu was mumbling so much in his sleep. Did he make a bad choice with his roommate decision? Hell no. Beomgyu is the best choice.

"Hmm.. hyuniee cheesecake is dancing!...zzz.."

This made Taehyun chuckle. "Cute."


Did he hear himself right? 'Cute? What the hell Taehyun.. what if he was awake.. oh my lord he's my best friend for god's sake.'

His face started getting red. He left the bed and went straight for the bathroom. In the mirror he saw a red tomato.

"Holy.." he whispered to himself. Taehyun splashed water on his face to cool off. It didn't seem to work though as sudden thoughts popped up in his head. Thoughts that he and Beomgyu could actually be more than friends.

Weirdo, lol.

He heard shuffling from the bed before a voice spoke. "Taehyunie?"

Quickly he calmed himself and opened the door to greet his best friend. "A-Ah, hey Gyu. Had a nice sleep?"

"Mhmm.. I had a weird dream though." He giggled. "Why's your face so red?"

"No reason. Anyways it's like two in the morning. I think you should go back to sleep."

"Only two?! Dang, it felt like I slept for ages. Hehe, ok I'll go back to sleep." He laid back down on his tummy. "Are you gonna sleep too?"

"Yeah of course." Taehyun went back into bed, his heart racing. 'Why am I feeling like this now? And towards Beomgyu?'

Beomgyu quickly positioned himself to rest his head on top of Taehyun's, slightly blushing.

"You know, I wished a while ago we would become roommates. That way I'd be with you e-everyday!" Beomgyu confessed.

"Really? Well glad I chose you then.." Taehyun smiled.

Not knowing exactly when, the two fell asleep with each other in their arms.

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