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"Oh. My. God." Huening Kai said as he looked at all the McDonald's scattered on the table. "Did they seriously give us double of everything we ordered and we didn't have to pay for it?"

"Mm, seems like it, yeah." Taehyun shrugged. "Which means you guys can take as much as you want, just finish it."

"Ok!" Beomgyu exclaimed, grabbing his 20 piece nuggets, plus his other 20 piece nuggets.

So they all eat their food and happen to finish an hour later.

"Soobin, dear, can you go set up the living room? I have a feeling we'll have these three sleepover." Yeonjun whispered.

"Of course, my dear." Soobin then leave the kitchen to grab some blankets and pillows and a few bean bags. He then makes a big bed for the three.

"Huening~ Pick a movie for us!" Yeonjun said. With that, Huening Kai salutes and hurries on over to the cabinets with a ton of movie CDs.

Taehyun and Beomgyu just had their eyes glued to Beomgyu's phone as he was playing piano tiles.

Once everything was setup, the five gather in the living room to watch the movie Huening Kai picked, which is a disney princess movie called 'Tangled'.

In the end, nobody finished the movie as they all passed out, being so tired from their hangout session just hours ago.


Taehyun is the first to wake up. Beomgyu was attached to his hip like a koala on a tree branch.

First thought that came to mind? 'Oh my, Beomgyu looks so cute and innocent'. That ended soon after with Taehyun blushing. As much as he used to compliment how cute he is as a best friend, something was different now.

Could this be a crush? Or could it just be puberty hitting him and he doesn't actually have romantic feelings for his bro and he's just feeling horny or something.

But nahh, that couldn't be it. He isn't like that. Beomgyu definitely isn't like that. If something were to happen, he should hurry up and stop it from happening so he doesn't have to worry about it. Right?

Nah, he can tell he suddenly is feeling something for Beomgyu and it definitely isn't oH I wanna stay being best friends. It's more, I wanna move up our friendship to another level of friendship.

Romance really wasn't in his mind at first, definitely not. But the author really can't think right now so she has no idea why she's writing anything at this point..

At this point all what's happening is nonsense to both Taehyun and the author. But the story must go on cause I haven't wrote in days.. lol.

Beomgyu stirs in his sleep, making Taehyun aware of his current situation. The second Beomgyu loosened his grip on Taehyun's waist, he quickly moved away and pretended nothing like that ever happened.

And so, Beomgyu woke up. Seconds later so did the others. Taehyun was there like- nope, I'm not here!

But that is when he decided, time to leave!

"Let's all go to the beach today!" Soobin shouts.

Never mind leaving, let's go to the beach!

(Sorrys for this chapter. Lol)

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