One-shot? (Why am i doing this)

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It all happened too fast.

The server had gone from a few simple pranks, to a full on war.

He still couldn't process it all. Neither of them could.

The deaths, the war. The Red King. The Red Army. Dogwarts, the Battle of Red Desert. The Red Winter.

Now he was standing on top of the mountain, with the man who had started it all, his best friend.

The desert below him was obliterated. Everything that he and the man in front of him had gone through. But now, they had to fight. A fight to the death, driven by the wild feeling of blood-thirst. A fight, for survival. For those wretched beings.

Suddenly, the grey skinned man struck, lunging forward, swinging his fist towards his head. He dodged, tears rolling down his face, and punched back.

His punch hit him squarely in the face, and the other staggered back, clutching his bleeding nose, tears also appearing.

They couldn't stop, driven by wild instincts that weren't their own, they threw punch after punch, dodging and kicking.

As they fought, he thought about everything that had happened. He held on to the happy memories. Pizza, Mr. Bubbles, talking with him, walking across the desert with his best friend, laughing and joking.

Now, those were gone. The past.

He knew that the other man was no match for his fighting skills, and the taller man knew it too. But they kept fighting.

Finally, with one last punch, the shirtless man fell to the sand. The other fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face and dripping onto the sand, as the taller man's body mouthed two silent words.

"Thank you."

Then his body disolved into smoke, and was blown away by the wind.

The red-sweatered man cried silently. He wanted to scream. He wanted to shout his heart out to everything. But there was no one to hear them. No one except those Watchers.

He stood up, ignoring all the foreign feelings of victory and glee that weren't his own, and walked to the edge of the mountain. He ignored all the silent whispering in his mind, telling him he did well. He ignored everything but the feeling of guilt in his heart.

There was no other choice.

He looked up at the clear blue sky—such a beautifully sunny day, for such bloody events. He whispered two words, hoping his friends could hear them:

"Thank you."

Then he closed his eyes, and jumped off the mountain, not caring what lays ahead.



(*smacking myself* Why am I writing an one-shot in an INCORRECT QUOTE BOOK?!)

(Answer: 'Cause I'm bored :D)