vol.1 | jschlatt & puffy | user req: inky-the-machine

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Jschlatt and puffy are siblings, this is fluff! Also, I do not know the c!characters personality well. Oh right, jschlatt  is  glatt here since I'm doing the  "Puffy meets the drunken ghost of her dead brother" scenario lolol. Anyways onto the story!




3rd person PoV


Puffy was walking down a darker, newer part of the SMP, hunting for a village, to distract her from schlatts death... That's when puffy saw it? Him? That's unimportant as of this moment. She saw a figure, she crept closer until she realised, it was the ghost of her brother. The brother she had just seen lose his last canon life 3 days ago. She had just been to his funeral, with the man that ate her brothers heart. Puffy fell backwards onto the ground, her eyes widened in shock. Puffy inhaled and exhaled, until her breath wasn't at a hitch anymore. She scrambled towards the ghostly figure, the figures movements were...clumsy? Puffy remembered Schlatt was an alcoholic, she was concerned about his alcoholism affecting his ghost. Puffy let out a deep breath, as she exhaled she said the words: "Schlatt? Is-" the ghost turned around. It was him. It is him. "What the fuck- puffy..?-" the drunken ghost muttered words, "I go by glatt now, get it? Ghost Schlatt." His words were slurred and he reaked of alcohol.

Puffy looked at him. There was a red heart on Glatts light blue jumper, in the spot your real heart would be. "Yeah, i'm dead. I'm a ghost, by now you've taken notice of the heart on my jumper. Any fuckin' clue why it's there?" Glatts words weren't as slurred anymore, but they were still unstably spoken. "Right. Maybe its because, well, quackity, your fiancé...he ate your heart. Maybe it was out of hate? Or love-" puffy wanted to continue, but cut herself off. "QUACKITYS A FUCKING CANNIBAL?!" Glatt was enraged. His words were now clear, his emotions too. He was angry. So angry. "Glatt-" Puffy tried to calm him. She really did try. "Glatt, how about we go to my house? So you can calm down." Puffy suggested, Glatt nodded.

Puffys pov


We arrived at my house and I let sch- Glatt in, I suggested we sit and talk in the living room. Sitting down, we talked. We talked for 2 hours. The time had flown by. It was like he was a different person. Well...he was. I enjoyed talking with him, he's my brother. We laughed about dumb situations we had shared, like we did when we were kids.


How did I let him become an alcoholic?-

I tried so hard to make sure he had a good childhood.

I guess addictions are too strong.

I wonder how he even starting drinking.


Glatt pov


There was an awkward silence, the atmosphere was so thick I swear I could've cut it with a knife. I felt bad. Puffy was pale, she had light eye bags that were tinted red as if she had been crying. "Hey, puffy, are you okay?" I said and we made eye contact. "I'm..uh, in all honesty, I'm terrible." Puffy said, breaking the eye contact we had. "Do you want to talk about it?" I said, still looking at her. "Yes please, maybe it'll help.." Puffy said before turning to face me. "It's just that i've lost everyone! Your dead, foolish is too busy to ever visit me, dreams become a terrible person and the list of people goes on." Puffy looked down.

"I'm dead but i'm still here. I'll always be here, just like how you were there for me when we were kids." I said, offering a hug with my body language. Puffy got up and hugged me and I hugged her back. "I missed you." She said. "I missed you too." I said. We stood there for awhile.


The end
Inky-the-machine :).

P.S.Requests can always be made

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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