How everything turned out

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April 6, 2014,

Do not forget. Do not become insane. Remember. Remember everything.

This is my story, this is our story. Just read... This is true.
I am Charlie and Im writing because Im scared. Im scared to forget, Im scared to become old and tired. I dont want to grow old. I dont want to know what my life will be like fifty years from now....or at least not know what my life is like fifty years from now. At this moment, 1:27 pm, I am 16 years old and decided to write so, if something does happen, I will remember.
No matter how crappy my life can get, I dont want to have it disappear from my memory like yesterdays math lesson. I never really gave much thought as to my future until yesterday some kids in class where talking about forgetting when your older because apparently one of their granddads was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers. I felt like I was falling down a dark never-ending hole, and the air seemed to escape from my lungs. It must be horrible to forget. I couldnt even imagine what its like. It terrifies me so much, when I explain it to Rich, I dont think he understand how much it shakes me to my core.
Rich is our stepdad. Hes a good guy, better than our actual father, if he even deserves to be called one. Remember, he left.

He left three years ago, just packed his things and walked out, not a reason, not an explanation, just a birthday card with a five dollar bill every year of so if Im lucky, with a "Happy Birthday Charles -David" Like nothing happened. At least he doesnt sign it with 'Love, David' if he did I'd probably spontaneously explode in a ball of rage, and mistrust.
Mom seems to be ok with how everything turned out, Rich treats her well.
For the longest time mom thought it was because David met someone else, younger, prettier. She started hating herself and thought she was hideous. But she's not, she never was, inside and out she was ethereal. Shes thin, fragile, with long black hair and the warmest smile that could make strangers feel like long, lost friends. Her names Rebecca but evertone who knows her call her Becka.
Shes the person who, even on her worst nights, could tuck you in and tell you, and with every last bit of strength, that everything will be ok.
And everything did turn out ok. Rich is a great man. I will say he was sceptical that mom was divorced with a 14 year old boy. He supports us and is ok with the fact that i still wont call him dad, we even agreed that it would be really awkward. Emphasis on the awkward.
Rich is probably the closest thing i have to a friend.
School is scary, i dont even want to go on the subject of it. So thats it, school is horrible, end of story.
I tried making friends, and i kinda did, but after david left, i pushed them away. I guess im worried they'll leave too.
So for now, Ill be content with loneliness.

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