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"So uhmm...where do you want to go?" Eddie asks. Y/n replies with: „hmmm maybe the mall?" „sounds good." he says. Both get into his car and drive to the mall. As they get out of the car and walk in, they see a friend of Eddie's. „Uhhh Eddie! What are you dong here with
y/n? I've never seen you guys together." Y/n says: „Oh we're just shopping." "that's nice" Eddie's friend says. Eddie quickly looks at you and to his friend again. "So uh we're actually together." He says while he grabs your hand.
"Yup" you say. "Cool man" his friend says and walks away looking at Eddie with a smirk. As you walk away you both look at each other and start laughing hard. Without a word you walk around the mall and walk into one of y/n's favourite stores. She picks out some clothes and tries them on in one of the dressing rooms.
After she puts on the first outfit she asks Eddie if he likes it. „You look beautiful." he says and kisses y/n. „Woah you taste like cherry."
„I know right it's soo good." y/n says as she smiles and goes in for another kiss. "Okay should I get this or not?" "If you like it." Eddie says.
Y/n puts on her clothes and buys the outfit.
Eddie walks behind her while they go out the store and grab her and lift her on top of his shoulder with her head hanging down.
He slowly lets y/n down again and walks to scoops ahoy to get some ice cream.
"hello there what can I get you today " you hear Robin say. She's reading a book as she looks up to y/n and Eddie. "Hey Robin!" "Oh hey Y/n!"
"Can I get one scoop of cherry and uh" turns at Eddie: "Cookies please." He pays for the both of you and y/n thanks him.
Of course.
He asks you if you want to try his and you also ask him if he wants to try cherry.
"Yours is nice." Y/n says.
"Which one do you like more?"
"To be honest, yours."
"Keep it." Eddie says.
"No you eat yours"
„No it's fine you have mine."
"You're so cute you know that?"
Eddie looks away as he blushes.
„You are!"
Y/n walks in front of him to see his face as he turns away further in shame.
"Stop moving I wanna kiss you"
So Eddie grabs her waist, pulls her up and kisses her while she wraps her arms around his neck, as they stand in the middle of the mall. After he lets her down, he moves her hair out of he face. They walk around the mall but don't really buy anything else.
After an hour of shopping they get out of the mall and drive to Eddie's trailer.
"Is your uncle home?" Y/n asks.
"No he's at work, oh and also I have band practice here in two hours."
"Do you mind if I stay?"
"No not at all!" Eddie says.
Y/n sits down on Eddie's couch.
"Hey do you want to drink anything?" Eddie asks.
„Yeah, you."
„Huh" Eddie says in confusion.
Y/n starts to laugh.
„Water please haha" she says.
Eddie laughs along, looks away and then realises.
Another laugh bursts out y/n.
"You are so dirty minded, oh my god."
Eddie brings y/n a glass of water and sits next to her." wanna do anything? "He asks.
"Can we cuddle ?"
"Uh sure. Anything else ?"
"No. Get here."
Eddie sits on the couch as y/n gets on top of him and just hugs him tight.
She just lays on his chest in silence.
Never in her live has she felt as comfortable as with Eddie. His scent, his hugs, his warmth,
his kisses and his beautiful smile.
She was falling in love.
And so was he.
Eddie's pov:
She's so precious, I don't get why she likes me.
She is so beautiful just laying there without saying a word. It doesn't get awkward with her as we sit here in silence. Words can't describe how happy I am to have her in my life.
I think, I love her. If those are the right words for it. She's perfect.
Y/n's pov:
She lifts her head up to look at his face and sees his eyes glow as he's watching her just be present.
E: "You're so beautiful."
Y: "You're so beautiful."
They say at the same time, as they begin to laugh together.
They both turn their heads when they heard  knocking on the door. His friends came in for band practice. You said hi to them and sat there quietly, listening to their music. You analyse every move Eddie's fingers make as he passionately stokes the strings of his guitar.
About an hour later the guys leave and you are alone again.
"Are you hungry?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah kinda."
"Wanna go get kfc or something?" He asks.
"Sure why not."
You get out and it starts getting a bit cold as you walk to his car.
"Are you cold?" Eddie asks.
"No I'm fine" y/n said even tho she got goosebumps from the breeze flowing against her body.
Eddie immediately took off his sweater and offered it to y/n. She put it on and looked at Eddie, now only wearing a t-shit. He opened the car door for her and they drove to get some food at the drive through. They almost finished all the food they got before they arrived at home. They both got out and as soon as y/n realised how late it got, she called home to let her mother know where she is. Eddie went into his bedroom and sat on his bed.
Y/n walks in and sits next to him.
"Do you want to sleep over?" Eddie asks her.
Yeah sure, but I have nothing with me.
"It's fine I'm sure you'll live one night without your teddy bear."
"How do you kno-"
"While you were in the shower I saw it behind your pillow."
"I really need to find a better place to put it."
„It's kind of cute considering he's missing his left ear."
„Yeah I don't know how that happened."
Both look at each other laughing.
He touches her cheek and kisses her softly on the lips. She grabs his neck and climbs on top of him as he falls on his bed and pulls her waist towards his body. She kisses him and holds him so tight but it isn't enough.
She wants to feel him, kiss him, be inside his skin, which is impossible but she just needs his closure. She takes off the sweater he gave her, kisses him and takes off the rest of her clothes.
She gets the handcuffs from his wall and cuffs his hands to the bed, kisses him and gets down to his dick. She pulls his pants off and grabs his dick. It slowly got erected by the slightest touch. She kisses the tip and slowly starts to lick it while putting it in her mouth at the same time. She took it out of her mouth and licked it from the very bottom to the top and puts in in her mouth entirely. His head rolls back with his eyes and he groans in a deep tone. The warmth of y/n's s mouth makes it feel amazing. He calls your name as he feels your tongue move around his dick. You feel vibrations in your mouth, knowing he's about to cum without him mentioning it.
"I'm gonna c-"
"I know. I can feel it." As she continues to suck it harder and harder every time she hears a sound coming out of Eddie.
Y/n's mouth fills with Eddie's warm cum, but she won't stop. She keeps sucking it until he begs her to stop.
"Fuck I already came what are you doing?"
Without a reply she continues to suck it with cum dripping out of her mouth.
His head rolls back from the pain he's in.
"Please stop... I'm begging you"
And so you stop.
He breathes heavily as you walk away to get your drink.
You go to take off his cuffs and sit on him as he still breathes heavily. You kiss him again and say "now you know what it feels like."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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