Chapter one: The Job

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                           ~ Taylor's (your) POV~
Object of My Desire was playing in Steve's car while driving us to the new mall in town star court.
"Why are we going to this stupid mall anyway Tay." Steve complained.
"I need to look for a job Steve don't you remember, plus maybe you could get a job most girls like guys who are hard working Steve." I say back.
"Tay cmon please I'm begging you can I please stay in the car, I can't be seen in there with you people might think we're dating."
"No Steve your coming with me, let's go" I say tugging on his arm.
"See Steve not so bad." I say as we walk into the mall. Steve just rolled his eyes and sped up and walked into an ice cream store called "Scoops Ahoy" I whispered under my breath.
"Steve" I say taping Steve on the shoulder as he was ordering. "Mmm" Steve hummed.
"Can I get you something pretty lady?" The man behind the desk asked.
"Um, no sorry" I say as kindly as I can.
"Then what are you doing round here."
"M-me and this gentleman here were looking for a job."
"Oh well we're hiring here, if that sounds appealing." He shot back.
"Scooping ice cream for a bunch of bratty kids, yeah, we will pass" Steve shot back.
"Um Steve maybe you can let loose and take a chance, um sir sorry didn't catch your name but can we work here?" I say with a please look on my face.
"Ummm, you can I don't know about jackass over here though, we want to make customers not scare them away." He said snickering.
"Sorry but can I have a word with you" I say gesturing for Steve to walk away. "Okay so that jackass over there, he acts like this mean, harsh guy but he's really a sweet guy and we really need this job so can you help us out." I practically begging at this point for him to hire us.
"Fine okay you guys start tomorrow, let me see if I have any uniforms in the back." He said walking away.
"Steve, you owe me more that just one" I say lightly punching him.
"Okay here you guys go, also you too can't be late 9am tomorrow morning, no exceptions." He said as me and Steve grab our uniforms and walk out.
"Thanks Steve for dropping me off." I say getting out of the car.
"Anytime Tay, see you tomorrow I guess." He said laughing quietly. "Yeah don't be late Stevie"
"Tiff" I yell "I'm home, are you here."
I walk into the kitchen not getting a response, I start making Mac n cheese while waiting for Tiffany to get home. Just before it was done I heard the door open. "Helllllooooo" Tiffany yelled. "Hey I'm in the kitchen."
Tiffany slowly walked in to the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar.
I noticed she was a bit off and see smelt like weed.
"Tiff, are you high? Look at me." I say while dishing up the Mac n cheese for us and looking at her.
"Noooo-" she started.
"It's fine I can tell you are but you have to be careful, we're you with anyone?" I said cutting her off.
"I was with Max, Dustin gets home tomorrow ....." she started to ramble off.
I pretended to listen while taking bites of my Mac n cheese. She finally finished her rant and told me she was going to bed so I washed the dishes and made sure Tiff had locked her door before our dad got home.
Sometimes he would hurt me but never Tiffany thank god. I grabbed my uniform and walked to the stairs to my room, once I locked my door I changed and went to bed.
8:00am- my alarm went off.
I rolled out of bed and walked to my closet to grab my uniform. Then I walked to the bathroom the brush my teeth and my hair I had to make sure that my hat looked good. Then I grabbed my bag, my house key and my shoes before checking the time 8:45am and running out of my room. I quickly said hi to Tiff then I called Steve.
"Hello this is Steve Harrington"
"Hello Mr. Harrington"
"Tay, are you ready I'm on my way."
"Yeah, I was calling to make sure you were ready."
"Okay see you soon"
"Bye stevieeee"
I said hanging up the phone and walking to the kitchen. I opened the locked cabinet with my pills in it and took them before grabbing a red bull and hearing Steve honk.
"Taylor, the sailor, you look hotttt." Steve said jokingly.
"Wow Steve see that rhyme was chefs kiss" I said giggling.
"Okay dadddd." I said clicking my seatbelt.
"Let's go!" Steve said sarcastically.
"Cmon Steve we're going to be late!" I yell pulling him out of the car so he can't look at his hair any longer.
"Jeez Tay I have to look sharp for the ladies." He shot back.
"Ugh, whatever." I grown walking into star court.
As we turned to walk into Scoops Ahoy I noticed a girl at the counter this time instead of that other asshole. No one was ordering so I greeted the girl at the desk.
"Oh I'm hi, this is Steve and I'm Taylor, we're new."
"Oh okay cool, I'm Robin, would you like me to show you around."
"Uh yes, yes please."
"Well there's not much, we have a back room." She pointed to the door to the back. "It's not much, but it gets the job done, these are your scoopers." She said while pointing to two scoops on the table.
"Thanks" I say kindly.
"Oh I'll take the first shift." Steve said running through the door.
"This is going to be good." I whisper to Robin putting my ear up against the sliding window.
Me and Robin were at the front talking about music when Mike, Will, Lucas, Max and Tiffany walk up and start ringing the bell constantly.
"Hey, dingus, your children are here." Robin said as Steve was rustling around in the back.
"What movie are you guys going to see?" I questioned.
"Day of the dead." Max and Tiffany said in unison.
Mike just kept ringing the bell until Steve threw open the sliding windows.
"Again, seriously." Steve groaned leading them into the back.
It was starting to pick up with customers so we all decided to stay up front to make sure all the customers were satisfied. All of a sudden all the lights go out.
"That's weird." Steve said marching over to the light switch to flick it.
Steve kept flicking the light switch.
"Steve stop." I say looking around.
"Yeah, that isn't gonna work, dingus." Robin shot back only for Steve to flick the light switch faster.
The power wasn't off for long but I was kinda concerned.
"Let there be light." Steve said as the lights finally turned back on, as he was walking back over to scoop more ice cream, causing me and Robin to roll our eyes.
It was 9:00pm our shift was finally over.
"Bye Taylor and Steve."
"Bye Robin." Me and Steve said in union as we shut down scoops.
"Steve I think my sister is still in the movies can we grab her quick before you take me home?"
"Ugh fine but be fast I'll meet you at the car." Steve said turning around.
I made sure to sprint all the way to the movies and they were all walking out.
"Tiff, cmon I'll take you home."
"Um okay, bye guys see you tomorrow." Tiffany said as she followed me to Steve's car.
The hole drive home was quiet, but a nice quiet.
"Bye Steve see you tomorrow." I yell shutting the door.
I grab the keys out of my bag and open the door to see my dad sitting on the couch.
"Shit, Tiff go upstairs, and lock the door." I whisper, as Tiffany looks at me very concerned.
"Go I'll be fine."
Tiffany quickly and quietly ran upstairs, as I walked into the living room to see 8 empty beer cans laying on him and on the floor.
"Hey dad."
"Where have you been all day, you little shit?" He said angrily, standing up.
I backed up my back hitting the wall as he walked closer.
"Where were you?" He said punching me in the face.
My nose started bleeding and my dad thought this was the perfect time to grab my neck and start squeezing.
"Where. We're. You." He said squeezing my neck harder.
"I- I." I tried my best to say something but I couldn't.
My eyes started to close and I could feel myself slip away, once he saw this he let go causing me to fall to the floor gasping for air.
"Next time answer me you little slut." He order stomping away.
I dragged myself off the floor and up to my room once I opened my door I got pulled into a tight hug.
"What did he do to you?" Tiffany asked crying.
"Hey I'm okay, you need to get some sleep go to bed." I say.
After Tiffany walked to her room, I had a shower and went to bed.
My alarm stared going off, I woke up and my neck was so sore I walked into the bathroom and I looked like shit, dried blood under my nose I had a scratch under my eye from my dads ring and my neck has severely bruised.
"Holy fuck." I whisper taking it all in.
I quickly whipped the blood and started putting makeup on all of the bruises on my neck at the end it looked pretty good. But the scratch on my face was hard to cover.
After I was done I changed into my sailors outfit, put on my shoes and put some extra makeup in my bag along with my house keys.
Before I left I checked on Tiffany and she was still sleeping, I quickly took my pills , then I ran outside to Steve's car.
"Hey Tay."
"Tay hello."
"Taylor!" He said touching my arm causing me to flinch.
"Hey you okay."
"Yeah, sorry I'm fine." I said starring out this window.
Once we arrived at scoops I rushed to the little bathroom in the back to look at my neck and face.
"Hey Taylor." Robin said but I didn't have enough to respond before I arrived at the back.
~Robins POV~
"Is she okay?" I asked Steve.
"She won't talk to me, so I don't know maybe she'll talk to you, your a girl right?"
"Well last time I checked I'm a girl Steve." I shot back causing Steve to roll his eyes.
"Ive only know her for like a day but fine Steve." I say handing Steve the ice cream.
Robin who are you kidding you aren't good at this shit, cmon you can do it Robin.
I walked up and put my ear on the door, I could hear very faint crying.
"Taylor, hey you okay?"
"Umm, mhm I'll um be out in a minute."
She finally opened the door and I stood up.
"Hey you okay?" I noticed her eyes were puffy and red and it looked like there was a lot of makeup on her face and neck.
"Yeah I'm okay." She sniffled.
She wiped a tear from her cheek and some of her makeup came up with it revealing a huge scratch and bruise.
"Wa- what happened?" I question pointing at her cheek.
~Taylor's POV~
Oh my fucking god, shit she knows, oh my god did that tear just take off my makeup.
"Um ugh one sec." I said walking back into the bathroom. But when I tried to close the door Robin pushed it open.
"Taylor what happened?" She said rubbing my cheek causing me to flinch.
"Um nothin-."
"Taylor, I'm not going to hurt you." She said so quietly I almost didn't hear it.
Just then more tears started falling down my face and I turned around putting my hands on my face.
"Let me see." She said spinning me around and pulling my hands down.
"Here sit down," she said pulling my arm gently to sit on the toilet.
"Are you okay?" Robin said fixing my makeup.
"Mm yeah, y- you can't tell Steve" I say quickly.
"Um I won't, but why?" She question.
"It's um a long story."
After what happened Steve had tried to impress girls all day so me and Robin made a "You rule" and "You suck" board.
"It's my first day here" Steve says as the girls walk away.
After they had left I slid open the window, while Robin held the sign.
"And another one bites the dust" I say causing me and Robin giggle.
"You are 0 for 6 Popeye" Robin says while adding another tally to the "You suck" side.
"Yeah I can count" Steve huffs.
"You know that means you SUCK" I say back.
"Yep, I can read to Taylor"
"Since when?" Robin says backing me up.
"It's this stupid hat, I am telling you, it's totally blowing my best feature" Steve says while fixing his hat.
"Yeah, company policy is a real drag" Robin says while I just fidget with my rings.
Then went on and had a conversation but all I could focus on was how I loved listening to Robins voice.
All I took away for there little conversation was Steve throwing his hat.
Robin shut the window and put another line on the "You suck" side.
"He's hopeless" Robin says before sitting next to me.
"Um yeah"
"Hey, you okay Tay?"
"Mhm yeah I'm good" I say just above a whisper.
"Okay, so- like um like what are you doing um tonight" Robin asks me.
"Um nothing really, my life is kind of boring when I'm not here"
"Oh well would you maybe wanna hang out sometime or it fine if not because your probably busy-"
"Robin, yeah we can hangout sure" I say cuting her off.
"Um okay cool cool that's cool, I uh should probably go help Steve out there, but maybe tonight." Robin asks nervously.
"Um sure why not" I say smiling.
Ahhhhh Omg Robin and I we get to hang out oh no it might be weird, am I weird, noooo I'm not, be cool be cool. Why am I so excited she's just one of the people I work with it's no big deal right.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2024 ⏰

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