Lip Locking

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I woke up from my long, deep slumber. But I wasn't where I had fell asleep. I was in a bed, in a house. What? Since when did this happen? I sat up, pulling myself up with my arms. I winced in pain and clenched my teeth. I had forgotten about my shoulder. I looked at it, and it was all bandaged up. But it had started bleeding through. I guess I stretched it when I sat up. There was a knock, and I looked over at the door. I saw Kili, his arms crossed over his chest and a smile on his face.

"Morning", he said, walking over to my side of the bed and sitting on the end. He crossed his legs and smile broader at me as I smiled. "Are you feeling any better?"

"No", I sighed. I lately realized I'd been sighing less. "My shoulder hurts a lot."

"No wonder. That Orc dug his dagger in pretty deep, and pulled it out at and angle", Kili explained.

"Oh, really?", I said sarcastically. Kili chuckled.

"And you got other wounds, too. Like your leg", he said, pointing to my thigh. I pulled the covers back from my leg and looked down at it. There was a long gash about halfway up my thigh. It wasn't very deep.

"Who bandaged me up?", I asked.

"Oin did. Remember, he is the healer of the group", Kili said. I nodded.

"Is Father OK?", I asked him.

"Yes, he's as short as ever", he said, and I giggled, and he laughed.

"I hope he didn't freak out over me", I said.

"Oh!", Kili chuckled, "he didn't freak out."

I sighed in relief-

"He went off the deep end!", Kili said abruptly. I gasped and hit Kili's chest with my good arm.

"Don't do that to me!", I exclaimed, and laughed a little, "you know I worry about my Father!"

"And he worries about you",  Kili said, calming down and putting his hand on mine and squeezing. I looked up at him, a little shocked. Then I smiled.

"Yeah, I know."

"He sat here beside the bed all night, holding your hand. He said he wouldn't leave until you woke up and told him you were OK. Eventually, we convinced him to rest. I think he's still asleep now", Kili explained.

"Good. I'm not sure if he's been sleeping right lately", I told him.

"None of us are", he said. "Especially after what your father told us."

"Yeah. And... there's something I haven't told anyone yet, I- I wanted to tell Father, but you're here now..."


"I've seen my mother."

Kili just stared at me in disbelief. He then blinked and said: "Your mother?"

"She came to me when I was out after the troll slammed me into the ground. She showed me things", I said, my experience coming back in flashes. I saw my Mother's delicate features, the curve of her cheekbones and nose, and the I saw the young me and Father, and then the Orcs.

"What things?", Kili asked. I sighed heavily, then told him all about everything. He listened intently, staring into my eyes, his eyebrows creased. He gasped when I mentioned the Orcs.

"...and she said that she'd come to me whenever", I finished. Kili nodded.

"That's... that's remarkable. I can't believe that. But what I'm most concerned about is The Orcs", he said.

"Mother said they were hunting me", I said him without emotion.

"What do they want with you?", Kili asked.

"I don't know", I said solemnly.

"Maybe somehow you can summon your mother, and she might know", he suggested.

"That's a great idea! Thanks Kili!", I said, leaning over and hugging him tightly. Ouch. Shouldn't have done that. I winced loudly in Kili's ear, and he pushed me back gently.

"You OK?", he asked. I shook my head.

"No, I completely forgot about my arm... I'm so stupid sometimes...", I said, rubbing my arm as it started tingling down my bicep.

"Huh, so did I. Sorry if I hurt you", Kili said.

"No, no, no, no, no, you didn't hurt me!", I said quickly. I didn't want to concern him.

"Good, because I'd never want to hurt someone like you", he said.

"Someone like me?", I said in confusion.

"Funny, smart, kind, and ravishing", he said. I smiled down at my hands.

"Kili, you're so sweet. I've never met a man like you", I said, looking up at him. I don't know, but he seemed closer than before. I stared into his warm, chocolate brown eyes.

"A man like me?", he said, his voice like rose petals flowing over soft, bright green grass in the calm wind. I smirked at him, knowing where he was going with this.

"Funny, strong, and bewitching", I said. Kili snickered.

"I love how you substituted 'smart' for 'strong'", he said. I laughed, and he laughed. We then stopped laughing abruptly and stared at each other for awhile.

"I know it's kind of fast", he said suddenly, "but..."

"But what?", I said.

"You would consider us close, right?", he asked.

"Yeah, of course!", I said quickly.

"Well, I feel like I've known you forever", Kili said.

"I know the feeling", I said, falling for his eyes. I rested my forehead on his, and he smiled.

"Kiss me", he said. I was taken by surprise, and looked at him, straightening my back.

"What?", I asked.

"I'm sorry, it was a stupid interjection", he said, standing up. I grabbed his wrist swiftly, and gestured for him to sit back down. He did so and sighed, not looking at me. I put my hand on his cheek, and turned his head to me.

"I was just surprised, is all", I explained to him, "I never said I didn't want to kiss you."

He smiled broadly, and I smiled back. I leaned forward slowly, my heart pumping fast. Very fast. In a second, my lips were on his. He groaned in enchantment, and I responded. His lips were soft and sweet. My heart fluttered vigorously as our fingers intertwined tightly. I never wanted this feeling to end.

Then someone cleared their throat. Our lips broke apart promptly and we looked at who was at the door. I was relieved to know it wasn't Father, but I think Kili wasn't. It was Thorin. He raised an eyebrow at us and chuckled without noise. He waggled his finger at Kili, gesturing for him to follow him. Kili hastily got up and followed his uncle.

"...ladies man", I heard Thorin say to Kili as they walked off.

"Yep!", I giggled to myself as I laid back down on the bed and stared up at the roof with my hands on my stomach. I closed my eyes, imagining what Kili and I looked like when we kissed. His taste still lingered on my lips, and the tingle of excitement.

I think I was in love.



OMG guys!!! Can't believe it? Too quick for them, or not? Tell me what you think! Comment below babycakes <3

Song for the chapter will be:

Love Is Easy by McFly!!! Love that song xD

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