Chap. 15

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"Carly!" Robin jumped, as the girl made her way down the stairs. "Y-you were right..all along! And I did nothing!" she cried, as Max stared sheepishly. "Don't worry guys, we're going to get you out of here. Old man's at work, though he's freaking the f*ck out, so we better get out quickly" Max muffled, and Carly rolled her eyes. "Dad, you're high, let me handle this." 

"No, I'm fine." he said, as I stared. "Let's get ourselves out of here." I said, and we nodded. "Wait! We need to cover everything up!" Billy said, running around, getting us all ready. We nodded, and Carly's nose crinkled. "It smells like eggs" she said, and I sighed. "That's because it quite literally is, eggs" I said, picking up an old plate of molded scrambled eggs, causing her to gag. 

"Sorry" I muttered, dropping and shattering the plate. I did that on purpose of course, because I didn't care. I wanted to do as much damage as possible. It was my goal all along. I kept my mind on that, as Finney buried his face into my shoulder, and Robin and Carly hugged for what felt like forever. It would have been romantic if we were in a different, non-life threatening situation. I might have actually let out an awe. 

But no, we have to escape. Guess we're too busy valuing our love lives to actually value our real lives. But I didn't say that, because the two had been in treacherous heartbreak for the past month without each other. So, I let them be romantic, but even if I hadn't, it would be out of my control anyway. 

"Okay, let's get this situation under control" Bruce demanded, as everybody nodded. "What time will he be home?" asked Bruce, and Carly sighed. "I don't know." she whispered, as Max looked at her. "I do! Well, I might." 

"So! TELL US!" Robin begged, as Max snapped back from his recurring daydream. "OHH! Right, sorry dudes! He gets home at 7:00PM" Max smirked, talking as if he were a 17 year old surfer dude with no aspiring life ahead of him. Gosh, I hate those dudes. "The door is padlocked though, and we can't leave" Carly whispered, and everybody sighed. 

"What do you mean?" Griffin asked, and Carly sighed again, for a third time. "He told us to stay here all day. Then he padlocked us in, and now none of us are allowed out." she mumbled, and Robin ran upstairs. He pulled on the door, gritting through his teeth. "Robin! ROBIN!" we shouted, as he turned to look back at us. "What?" he asked angrily, puncturing our eyes with his sinister stare. 

"I told you it doesn't work! Please just relax, and stop breaking my uncle's door!" Carly shouted, and I nodded. My heart was beating out of my chest, my breath felt heavy, my face felt sunken in. I don't have a near idea of what this feeling is, and frankly, I don't wish to find out. But maybe that's the point. Maybe you're never supposed to find out, maybe you never find out. Maybe you're just there, waiting to finish this life, whether it tortures or nurtures you. And in my case, it tortures me. It cuts me from within. 

And I am forced to accept that. I sit there and wait for it to cut me again. I don't know why, so don't dare ask me. I just think of how rank my life is, or could turn out to be. But that's the way it always has been, and the way it is always sure to be. I can't die now, because I need to finish. I need to finish my life the way my life was supposed to be, before this incident. I need to go with the plan of the gods above. 

Robin was crying now, tears staining his once perfect face. I hadn't cried yet, but I could practically feel the hot tears raining against his face, exiting from his glassy eyes, tears staining his chocolate brown orbs. I felt horrible for him, and I would have cried too- except I've lost all my tears, wasted on the shitty person who wants to call himself my father. Now I can't cry, not even in situations like these. 

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