Chap. 12

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"Well, good going Robin, you f*cked up your girlfriend, and our only way of help. Bravo" I muttered, rolling my eyes at him. "Hey it's not my fault!" Robin defended, dropping the walkie talkie. "Bullsh*t." I said, and Robin rolled his eyes, his brown eyes disappearing to the back of his head, and coming back before you could even notice they disappeared. 

  "It isn't my fault she didn't take it well" he muttered, and for once I laughed. "Yeah because you just told her that her own uncle is a pedophile, sadistic, serial killer, and she's just supposed to take that oh so jolly!" I joked, and Bruce sighed. "Guys we are not helping our own situations! I say that we actually figure out a way out of here, and maybe focus on being able to see the next day" he said, and everybody agreed. 

  "Yeah we aren't going to escape by arguing" Billy agreed, his eyes looking down at the ground. I don't think I ever noticed just how sh*tty his condition was. He was covered head to toe in dirt, thick or thin, like a layer of dust had overcome him. His red jacket was now grey, as if it had lost all its color. His eyes weren't as radiant as before, instead they were pale and dead. He didn't even look like Billy anymore. 

  "Okay well, then how the f*ck do we actually get out smarta*s?" Vance asked, in his snarky attitude he throws at anybody and everybody. Vance was just like that. He could be really sweet, if he cared to be.  My brother was a huge a*shole to everybody, but in this situation it was justified, you know, being in a basement and all. 

  "What if we got the wrong guy.." Griffin wondered out loud, and we narrowed our eyes at him, despite him being right. Maybe we did get the wrong guy? What if Carly's uncle was some innocent dude that just happened to have a similar family tree and sh*t as The Grabber. What if we actually just freaked her out for nothing? 

Wow, I feel really f*cking stupid. 

"No. It's the right guy. Don't say that" Finney whispered, his eyes glossy and painted over with a welt of sadness. I hugged him, he seemed to really need it. I've been looking out for him this whole time, maybe because I love and care about him. But, who knows? I think he likes me too, despite my constant eye rolls about it. 

I seriously hate slow burn romance. So, f*ck it, I'll speed it up, since he obviously won't. "Hey Finney?" I asked, and he smiled, pulling away from our warm and comforting hug. "Yeah Y/n?" he asked, and I sighed. Guess I'm really going for it, f*ck. 

"Can I talk to you...privately?" I asked, and he nodded. "Sure! Be right back guys!" he smiled, waved, and we walked towards the bathroom, or the crusty a*s toilet. It wasn't really another room, but it had a small wall and we considered it to be, since they were by the broken vent window, and couldn't actually really hear us. 

"Listen Fin. I like you, like, like you like you." I smiled, and his eyes widened, in what seemed to be expressive shock. I must have f*cked up. Maybe he doesn't like me in the way I thought he did? Oh sh*t, oh sh*t. I just f*cked up the best friendship I'll ever have. But, maybe I was wrong. Because before I knew it, his lips were against mine, pushing into me, his arms around my neck, and holy hell he was kissing me. 

Finney Blake was kissing me? 

There's a boost in my ego. 


Only 4 more chapters left of this book! I forgot how good it was to hit completed on my fics!

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