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A/N: i use the term "dogfish" for their dogs, but i don't mean actual dogfish sharks, i mean like. dog. fish. like one half of them is a dog and one half of them is a fish so like a merdog or whatever

TW // being held at gunpoint sorta?, dead parent mention

{ Amy's POV }

Amy quickly swam into her house sobbing.
She was so distraught over all that was happening that she just wanted to lay down. Mark's words kept echoing in her mind.
He loves him? What does he mean he loves him? Amy thought this was just a matter of Mark being dumb again and trying to protect something he didn't need to protect, but now she realizes there's something more that's motivating him. She swam into her room and curled up on her bed, soon hearing swimming come up behind her.
She turned around ready to be angry at someone, but was met with the concerned cute face of her dogfish, Henry.
She wiped away her tears off her face.
"Hi Henry..." She sniffed. The golden dogfish swam up to her and sat in her lap, obviously trying to comfort her. She scratched the fur on his head and sighed.
"Oh Henry... what am I gonna do about him?"
Amy knows how strict sharks are, and Mark trying to make seals seem like they're equal to sharks would definitely piss some people off.
Though, Amy knows Mark, and she thinks that he wouldn't do something for no reason.
"Should I... help him? I know- I know doing that would definitely get us put in prison, or worse... but. what if this so called 'Ethan'....
Is real?.." Amy rambled quietly to herself as she pet Henry.
The golden-furred dogfish looked up at her, Amy continuing to pet his head.
"Alright! I'm... Im gonna go back. I'm gonna go back and.. actually hear what that dumbass has to say." Amy said after a deep breath.
She suddenly remembered why she had come home crying.
"So Mark's in love with that seal, huh..."
She said with a sad tone. "Whatever. I know he'll never notice me, so... might as well help him with someone he actually cares about." She choked up a little on those last words, but she shook her head to stop herself from crying.
"Alright. Stay here Henry, I'll be back"
Amy moved the dogfish off of her lap and made her way out of her house.

{ Ethan's POV }

Ethan saw Mark swim back through the entrance, followed by Tyler, but no sign of Amy. "What happened..?" Ethan asked, now seeing the sad expression on Mark's face and the confused look on Tyler's.
"Uh... I- Amy- uh.." Mark fumbled with his words, obviously unsure of what to say.
"Ok so... I don't think that Amy-"
Mark was suddenly cut off by a familiar sounding voice. A short seal mermaid had come in through the entrance, holding up a net gun that was obviously supposed to be more threatening than what it was. "Kathryn..?" Ethan breathed out. Kathryn looked over to him with an expression of shock and relief, and then quickly swam in front of him, going back to being hostile towards the sharks. "LET MY FRIEND GO! IM- IM MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK!" She yelled at them even though they obviously weren't aggressive. "Look- We aren't trying to hurt Ethan, this is a misunderstandi-" "How do you know his name?" Mark was cut off by Kathryn.
Mark didn't have time to answer though as they heard another shark enter the room, Amy had come back. "E-Ethan quick! We gotta go!" Kathryn exclaimed and grabbed Ethan's arm, quickly weaving through the sharks and making it out the entrance.
"Wait- Wait Kat!-" Ethan tried to get her attention but she kept swimming towards the seal kingdom. Kathryn and Ethan managed to swim all the way back to the seal kingdom without bumping into anyone, and the two quietly slipped through the hole at the bottom of the wall. Once they were through, Kathryn turned to Ethan with a concerned look and was about to say something, but Ethan started swimming away before she could. "Ethan!-" Kathryn called out, but surprisingly didn't chase after him.

Ethan entered his house and immediately locked himself inside of his room, not wanting to speak to anyone right now, especially not Kathryn. Ethan spent the entire rest of the day inside his room, either sleeping or messing around with the miscellaneous items he had collected through his life. He had heard knocks on the door a few times, but he never answered. Ethan noticed the sun go down through his window, and got ready.
He had planned to sneak out of the kingdom once again once the sun set, to make sure Kathryn wasn't there. Ethan unlocked his door and swam out of his house, making his way to the wall before stopping, seeing Kathryn standing in front of the hole with an angry look on her face.
"Ethan... what do you think you're doing?" She spat. "Kathryn, please." Ethan begged. "No, no. What are you doing Ethan. You almost died, and I rescued you, and now you want to go back out there? You haven't talked to me all day." Kathryn said. Ethan could now see the exact look on her face, she looked so worried and tired. It made Ethan feel bad for her, a pang of guilt running through his heart. "I... please, just... just let me go Kat." Ethan begged once again, this time in a calmer, more desperate tone. Kathryn had a sad shine over her eyes. "Whenever your mother passed, I made a promise to her that I'd always make sure you're safe. I'm not moving from this spot, Eth." Kathryn said, her voice breaking at her last words, shaking her head. Ethan was taken aback a bit by her statement. He thought about Mark, and Tyler, and Amy. They were nice to him, he felt like home with them. Mark felt like home, which is a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. "No." Ethan said quietly. "What?" Kathryn asked, although she definitely heard the first time. Ethan suddenly lunged at her, trying to get her to move away from the hole. Kathryn tried to resist, but Ethan bit her arm. Although seal's teeth aren't as sharp as shark's, they are still carnivores. Kathryn yelled and backed up a bit, Ethan getting a chance to quickly swim through the hole and not look back. He didn't even hear Kathryn calling out after him.

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