Chapter 5

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 Marta and Marie had just gotten a visit from the police. They hoped for some good news.

Marta: "Well?"

Officer: "We searched the area where Krystal was last active."

Marie: "And?"

Officer: "The good news is that we found Taria's car a few miles away from the gas station."

Marta: "And the bad news?"

Officer: "There's still no trace of the girls. I'm very sorry. We've checked every camera we could think of and absolutely everything else."

Marie: "Everything! Have you traced their phones?"

Officer: "I'm sorry. I think they were kidnapped. It's very unlikely that they are even alive. I'm afraid that we have to give up and call it a closed case."

Marta: *Charges at the officer* "No! You can't do that! They're still out there!"

Marie: *Grabs Marta* "Marta, stop! There's nothing we can do!"

Marta: *Falls down crying* "They have to be!" *Crying*

Officer: "I'm so sorry." *Leaves*

Marie and Marta went back inside and sat down. Marta pulled out a picture of her and Krystal.

Marie: "Marta?"

Marta: *Tear falls on the photo* "I know she's still alive."

Marie: "How? There's no trace of them anywhere."

Marta: "I don't know, but I'm not giving up. We have to try something!"

Marie: "How?"

Marta: "Do you feel like taking a little trip?"

Marie: "Where to?"

Marta grabbed her keys and opened the door.

Marta: "Krystal's house. Maybe we'll find something there."

Marie: "I'll try Taria's place. We'll meet up at Culver's around 6."

Marta: "Agreed."

Marie: *Goes to her car* "Marta."

Marta: "Yes?"

Marie: "Thank you for not giving up on them."

Marta nodded and Marie drove off. Marta hopped in her car and hung the picture of her and Krystal on her dashboard. She knew that Krystal and Taria were still out there. 

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