Chapter 21

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They all saw Krystal's name on the front page and began to panic.

Doctor: "Will you please follow me to the x-ray room?"

The girls silently followed him and immediately stopped when they saw...

Taria: "Is that?"

Doctor: "Yes, Krystal's x-rays."

Marie: "Oh my god..." *Covers her mouth*

Doctor: "We did some x-rays and it appears she has severe blood loss, that big white spot here is her heart."

Taria: "There's fluid in it right?"

Doctor: "Why yes, a substance that scientists call nightshade juice. How'd you know?"

Taria: "It was our final test. He put it in her after he tranqed us...he knew she was weak."
Marie: "But how did she...?"

Taria: "Survive it? I don't know."

The doctor pulled out a slip of paper from Krystal's clipboard.

Doctor: "We successfully removed it from her but that slowed her heart rate."

Marta: "So what are you saying."

Doctor: "Take a look for yourselves." *Hands them the sheet of paper*

Taria: "What?!"
Doctor: "Her wounds healed surprisingly fast, her blood pressure is normal, but everything else was just oddly off."
Taria: "I'm going to take a little trip."
Marie: "No, you're not!" *Grabs Taria's arm*

Taria: "Why not?"
Marta: "Last time you said that we almost lost you."
Taria: "Then come with me."

Marta: "I'm not leaving Krystal's side!"

Taria: "Even if I said you get to meet our kidnapper?"
The doctor immediately looked up at Taria like she was insane.

Marie: "Where and how?"

Taria: "The jail and we drive."
Doctor: "Now girls don't go doing anything crazy."
Before he could stop them, the girls ran out of the hospital. Marta drove to her house to drop off her care and rode back with Marie and Taria to Marie's house. Marie dropped her truck off and they all piled into Taria's car.

Marie: "Why are we going to the jail?"
Taria: "To see Stroker."

Marie and Marta: "Who?"

Taria: "That's his name."
Marta: "Weird name I'd say."

Marie: "And why are we seeing him?"

Taria: "I have a few questions for him."

Marie and Marta: "About?"
Taria: "Krystal."
They finally shut up and drove to the jail. Marie and Marta stood by her side the whole time. Taria walked to the front desk and told her identity along with Marie and Marta.

Lady: "Sure thing, right down the hall to your right, he's waiting in the interrogation room."
Marie, Marta, and Taria: "Thanks."

They went there where they met up with an investigator. Only Taria could go in the room. Marie and Marta could watch and listen through the window. Taria opened the door and Stroker was sitting at a table hand cuffed.

Man: "Well what a surprise."

Taria: "I came to ask questions."

Man: "Ask away."

Taria: "Why didn't you let me help Krystal?"
Man: "I told you, I made her a promise to only save you."
Taria: "Why would you do that? I could've saved her!"
Man: "She's dead?!"

Taria: "No, but she's lucky to be alive."
Man: "She wanted me to only save you. She said your life was more important than hers."

Taria: "Then why didn't you help her afterwards?"
Man: "Because that's what she said not to do."

Taria: "What else did she tell you?"
Man: "Everything about your friendship."
Taria: "Honestly this is where you belong, but you're lucky."
Man: "Why's that?"
Taria: "I told them to keep you alive."
Behind the window Marie and Marta were listening as Taria and Stroker talked. Finally Taria wished him farewell and came out of the room.

Marta: "Now what?"

Taria: "For once, I'm not sure."

Marie: "Ya know, I think Stroker kidnapped you for a reason."
Taria: "He did, it was because we remind him of himself when he was younger."
Marta: "Not a good reason if you ask me."

Taria: "Common let's get back to Krystal."
They wished them farewell and drove back to the hospital. When they arrived they would get a surprise.

Taria: "What's going on?"
They went inside and nurses were running everywhere. Doctors as well. They all headed towards a certain room.

Taria: "What's going on?"

Marta: "Beats me."
Marie: "It can't be good."

Then they all realized what room they were rushing to.

Taria: "Oh no...that hallway leads to..."
Marta: "Krystal!"
Marie: "Let's go!"
They took off running towards Krystal's room and they were stopped by the doctor.

Doctor: "Hold on there girls."
Marta: "Let us through!"
Taria: "What's going on?"

Doctor: "She stopped breathing, but her heart is still beating."

Marie, Marta, and Taria: "WHAT?!"

Doctor: "We're doing everything we can!"

Marta: "That's not enough!"
Then they all went dead silent as they heard one paciliar sound. A flanneling heart monitor. Marta lost it and pushed the doctor out of the way. She ran towards Krystal's room and yelled.
Marta: "Krystal!"

Nurses held Marta back and Taria and Maria also tried but Marta was too strong. She burst from their grasp.
Taria: "Marta!"

Marie: "Stop! Come back!"

Marta: "Krystal!"

Doctor: "Marta!"
Nurses were blocking her way and she couldn't get through. By the time Tarie and Marie caught up to her Marta was in full out rage mode.

Taria: "Marta please!"

Marta: "You kept me from her once, it won't happen again!"

She sped off towards Krystal's room and pounded on the window as Taria and Marie caught up with her and only then did they hear it. The heart monitor flatline signaling no heartbeat.

Doctor: "Girls...oh no..."

Marie, Marta, and Taria: *Gasps*

The end

To be continued in...

Point of Silence - the Sequel

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