Rainy Days

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Ever since the morning rose, the rain would not seem to stop falling. Covering everything from cars to pedestrians, no matter where they were. While many people might not find much enjoyment out of this type of weather, I always will.

The rainy season out here in Maine is to be expected, especially in the later months of spring and summer. The bundles of flowers, vegetation, and trees here all benefit from this weather. The rain will always be one of the many things that give me genuine excitement. Just like other fun activities that I occasionally dive into. Though, enjoying the rain is one of the few 'innocent' ones.

Being on the run from the police can get to you sometimes, especially when you just want to sit down on a couch and watch tv. Being on the run means you can't exactly just settle down just anywhere. ESPECIALLY if it's near the city or just about anywhere with human settlement. Of course, I know that if I went around stabbing and murdering people frequently, I would need to find new hiding spots once every couple of days. Maybe even hours, if the outside world is too active.

Sometimes, (not often) I would get the sudden urge to check out a certain shop in the city. I just get that small boost of energy to suddenly think of doing something that stupid. Nonetheless, I'm not totally braindead. I still think to go out at night, where not a soul is present and almost all the shops are closed. Maybe even go to a diner if I pickpocketed earlier that day. I'm not 100% immortal, yet. Food is still necessary to fuel my body, unfortunately.

The forest seemed like the next best option, and good thing there's enough of it here to go around. Only a couple of people walk through here to either set up camp, hunt, even a few couples walk through, possibly to fuck their brains out. Sometimes I wished that there would be less of those dimwits coming up here and wrecking my peaceful strolls. If only.

Walking through the green forest gives me a sense of calmness, when there's only the hoots and howls of the wild critters from their own homes. I used to think the loud chirping of the song birds were ear-grating, a pain to ignore. Now I don't mind them. In fact, I look forward to hearing them sometimes.

The scattered, dead tree branches echo every time I take a step. There was no other sounds of human life around, where only my footsteps were the only visible sound I could hear. Taking in a huge breath of the true outside made me feel entranced, to the beauty of all that's around me. Going outside is not something that I was able to do much as a kid, since I was mostly used to being cooped up in my home, never able to be outside unless it was for school or to go shopping. It's nice to walk around aimlessly without a care in the world. Almost makes me forget the reason as to why I'm here in the first place.

As I walked through the slowly dimming forest, I noticed that the sun was going down. The sun was about to set for the start of nighttime. The sky now becoming less and less bright. The wind swayed against the trees and plants. Besides the rustling of the leaves and branches, there was not a single sound to be heard for miles. This quietness that the air emitted made me feel energized. As if I was not just completely relaxed a couple minutes ago. My urges kick in when the sun goes down, and I can feel as it engulfs my figure. From head to toe, my body reacts on its own. Something that can be compared to a lightning strike, was flowing through my veins.

It's time.

I sprint aimlessly through the forest path, looking for the one special specimen this night has to offer me. Fully ignoring all immediate distractions surrounding me, I keep searching for any sign of an oncoming victim. It should be easy to find something as noisy as a living being in the quietest environment possible, but not quite. The prey always has to make my life a bit more difficult by playing hard to get. They can sometimes last a couple seconds to even 15 minutes, thankfully none of them have ever escaped.

I could never live it down, in myself or in my reputation, to hear of a lucky moron who miraculously got out of my deadly grip. That would haunt me for the rest of my life. I would never be able to live it down, from outsiders and myself.

Wait.... Found them. I finally spotted an unexpected figure in the distance, seeing that they were distracted. Now's my chance. Slowing down, I stopped in my tracks and hid myself, still keeping my eyes glued on the figure. Blinking wasn't an option for me anyways, my eyes are constantly peeled, permanently. My eyes locked onto the various features of my target, looking for any exposed weak points, luckily there were plenty to choose from. From their sprained ankle they likely got from tripping to their sore aching back from carrying their heavy backpack.

On my first glance at them, I originally thought that they were carrying any weapons that can be dangerous and lethal enough to injure me. You never know with people nowadays. While it is very unlikely that something as weak as a regular human could severely injure me, or even murder me, you never know what you could get into. Surprise attacks can easily make or break your motive, and must be taken seriously. No matter if the target is small and puny, or huge and sturdy.

Once I was certain that they were fully distracted, I lung and sprint towards them, holding my handy knife ready to strike. Success! I dig my knife into their shoulder, pushing them down with my vacant hand. Pinning them down, I repeatedly stab them in the back, blood staining and splattering all over the ground and their clothes. Some of the blood washes away from their skin, blood covering their soon-corpse.

Their screams were loud and clear to my ears, encouraging me to continue my job. Whimpering and writhing in pain, the now bloody and mangled human keeps on screaming at me to stop.

"Let me go! Have mercy!".

After a gruelingly long couple of minutes, the human completely loses their energy to scream in pain and passes out, dead on the cold grass.

I did not even think about cleaning the fresh blood off my already-stained clothes and knife, deciding to drag the lifeless body to a bush and ransacking its pockets, looking for any valuables that I could make use of. I stumble upon a lighter and compass in their right pocket. Questioning for why they had these items never popped up in my head, while I was stuffing my hoodie with the new items along with their wallet. Leaving the scene, hoping that there would still be time left before the sun came up. Meanwhile, Jeff did not seem to know that he is no longer alone.

"A trespasser huh?... what are they doing here all alone?"


After a couple of minutes of walking, I start to sense a change in atmosphere. No longer did it feel like I was fully alone. Besides the animals, there was something else here, or someone else. I continued walking, as if nothing bothered me. With each step I took, the air felt thicker and harder to breathe in. Anxiety loomed up in my system, shaking me to my very core. I have not even seen what has caused this much disturbance in myself. Yet here I am, shivering in my shoes like a coward. Finally, I decided to try and confront the entity:

"Where are you?! Show your face!"

Silence still loomed the forest, not a single ruffled leaf was heard. However, I was not about to let this thing hide any longer.

"Why can't you face me, instead of cowering in the shadows?! Show yourself!"

That was when it happened. Fog and smoke quickly covered my vision, making it hard to see the figure in front of me. Covering my eyes, hoping that the smoke would give out and disperse soon, anticipating what caused this to fog my vision. Once the air became clear enough, I noticed a long and thin blob in front of me. Seeing the smoke slowly leave my vision, I saw what was in front of me. A tall, white figure in a black suit stood straight up, looking down at me with no facial features on it. Its fingers and arms replaced with long tentacles that sway slightly with the wind. If it was not for the fact that its chest moved up and down, indicating that it was breathing, I would have thought it came back from the dead.

Goosebumps covered my skin, making me shiver as I looked up at the strange creature. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, anxiety shot up through my body.

I'm fucked. 

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