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By the time that me and the tentacle monster started walking towards his 'operations' place, the sun had started to show up in the sky, replacing the moon as the minutes pass. While it was still dark out, the small amount of light that the sun reflected on the forest, shining on the trees and grass. The small amount of light made the view of the sky still look enchanting, although I would prefer if it was pitch black still.

Remembering when the monster called me by my name, I decided to confront it.

"How did you know my name? There's no way you would know if you didn't stalk me." The creature stopped in its tracks, with me stopping in front of it. Looking at its face, this time it has a contorted face of fear. Although it was hard to tell since their facial features can portray numerous emotions due to the monster having no eyes, nose, mouth, or even eyebrows to show.

"I have been watching you since you first came to this forest, starting from when you killed your parents." Jeff immediately frowned, most likely being reminded of the killing spree he did to his family. Ever since then, he hadn't been able to find peace with himself, and the world certainly did not let him.

While still sinking in the creepiness behind their words, I spoke again. "Why me? Why would you bother with stalking me?"

"Because you intrigue me." It got closer to me, their face getting closer to mine. I felt uneasy, none of this still makes sense to me. What else do they want from me besides me killing for their own desire?

"I have met many others that acted just like you, but they all seem to disappoint me later on. Either by killing themselves in fights or by their own will. I know what its like to live life knowing that a life has been taken away by your own hands." Its tentacles acted as his arms, illustrating imaginary blood pooled on his tentacles. "I want to protect you until you prove to me your worth. Show me what a bloodthirsty killer you are." The hole where their mouth should be opened up, showing multiple razor-sharp teeth oozing with black blood. Blood falling down their chin down to the grass. Shit..... what have I gotten myself into?

I backed away a bit, cautious that it might actually kill me here. Before I got too far away, the monster's tentacles wrapped around my arms and body, keeping me in place before getting close to my ear once more. "Just so there's no confusion, call me Slenderman. Wouldn't want you calling me tentacle monster in front of my minions." He lightly chuckled in my ear, sending chills across my spine. I saw him turn his head over to the sun, seeing it shine more light than before. He put me down with his tentacles still firmly wrapped around my torso. I could feel them slightly sliver around my waist, trying to keep me from fully escaping. "So Jeff, what do you say to my offer?" He flashed me another wicked smile, still showing his sharp pearly whites now stained with the blood.

Realistically, any normal person would simply just give up and accept his offer, in fear of him slitting their throat. Anyone else stupid enough to go against a monster like this deserves to die, especially after seeing how persistent he is. I'll be honest..... I still don't feel like accepting this offer will be a walk in the park. Hell, this offer could just be a way for him to kill me.

But.... he hasn't done that yet. I've felt his vice grip on my body when he held me off the ground. I could feel that he is not just any normal being, besides just his monster-like appearance.

He could have killed me, but he didn't. So why didn't he? And will he still decide to eradicate my very existence if I follow him? Too many questions are floating around my head, confusing me by the second.

However, I have nowhere to go. Everyone avoids me like the plague once they find out who I am. Even if they don't know me, my appearance still frightens any and all onlookers.

You're Insufferable || Jeff The Killer X SlendermanWhere stories live. Discover now