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"Yo! _____! Let's go already!" You heard a voice yell- breaking your wonderful nights rest.

"Mmm... 5 more minutes..." You murmured and pulled the covers back over your head. That certainly didn't last long when you felt the duvet rip off your body, exposing yourself to the cold house.

"Get up you lazy ass. We still have to meet up with Luffy, remember? It was your idea..." the freckled male chuckled. "Unless you want a- TICKLE ATTACK!"

"No! Wait!-" you began to plead, but the ravenette attacked you, diving for your neck and armpits with his fingers, causing you to combust in laughter. Tears came to your eyes as you were squirming all over trying to break free from your brother's grasp.

You heard a knock on the doorframe and saw Marco, beaming down at you both. "Come on- yoi. Ace you're gonna kill her before we get to the junkyard." He rolled his eyes and grabbed the male off of you by his hair, causing Ace to wince and begin yelling at Marco as the two left the room.

As long as you could remember, this had been your family. You and Ace were actually related by blood, but Thatch, Marco, Sabo, and Luffy were still your brothers. In this family, blood really didn't matter. You were a house full of misfits and orphans who now found a home in Pops, who was a large man with an even larger heart. Pops was a wealthy man, but he worked for that power. Most of it was from the work you and your siblings specialized in. You were all thieves.

It wasn't like what you were really doing anything bad. You were really just moving stuff around for money. That's all it really seemed to be. And boy were you all good at it. Thatch and Sabo worked the facade business, to make it seem like Pops' company was actually a luxury art dealership. But you, Marco and Ace had the real action. You were the operation, and you lived for the thrill of the heist.

You were all meeting up with Luffy. He had apparently had an idea for a job that required Ace, Marco and yourself because it was so dangerous. He had gone off to pursue his own dreams of becoming a notorious thief, wanting to make a name for himself and his group. He called his group the Straw-Hats, which was hilarious to you, but it did have some meaning to him.

Crawling out of bed, you stretched and stood up. At this point, your family was nocturnal, working at the night and sleeping during the day- well Ace just slept whenever but that was a different story.

You walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your hair. You heard the door open and Sabo walked in, also having probably just woken up. "Evening." He mumbled as he grabbed his toothbrush.

"Eeewing." You said already scrubbing your teeth. Occasionally, Sabo helped out defusing and hacking security systems- so this must've been why he was up. Or because Ace woke him up by yelling at Marco or vise versa.

You spat out your toothpaste and rinsed, cleaning your face with a towel before starting braiding your hair. "Haven't seen Luffy in a bit. He's had to hide ever since he almost got caught stealing that millionaire's diamond watch right of his hand." You spoke, trying to strike up conversation with your brother.

"Yea... I don't know how he thought he could pull that off in the first place." He chuckled as he too began to fix his easily tangled yet short hair.

Humming, you pinned your hair back and gave your brother a slight punch on the shoulder before going back to your room to change.

Slipping on your black leggings and long sleeve shirt, you put on a heavy olive green jacket with a fur collar along with black boots and a small grey scarf. It was the middle of winter after all- which made you even more pissed that Luffy was making you meet in the junkyard. I mean- no one would check there for criminals- but it didn't mean you wanted to go.

To the Moon and Back(Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now