The Beginning

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Santana's POV

I was sitting in the living room, actually doing homework, when I heard my parents' conversation from the kitchen.

    "Yeah, Maribel. New neighbor two doors down. I saw the U-Haul this morning."

    "Well, did you see who they were? What they looked like? How many people?" At this point, I was being the nosey bitch I am, and I interrupted.

    "Why does any of that matter? Like, seriously?" I'd left my post, aka the couch, to lean against the counter in the kitchen.

    "If you must know, mija, we plan on welcoming these people to the neighborhood. It's called being neighborly." I rolled my eyes at how my mother spoke to me as if I was a child. Like, I'm about to be 17, come on.

    "Ok..well, count me out." I picked a strawberry up off the counter my mom had them on and popped it into my mouth. My parents looked at me as if I was crazy. "What?"

    "No, not this time Santanita. You will accompany us to greet these people. We're going tomorrow evening." I almost laughed at how my father tried to take command.

    "Going over to Britt's tomorrow, sorry. Come on, we all know I don't like people, I'd just make them uncomfortable. So, I'll just stay back and do whatever." I shrugged and began walking away.

"Santana," I heard my dad's hand slam down on the kitchen counter, so I turned around, very slowly," You will go to the neighbors' house, and you will greet them properly! OR, no Cheerios practice for two weeks. AND, you will go alone. And you will go now. Deal?"

I stood with my mouth agape, knowing that if I missed two weeks of practice I'd be back at the bottom of the pyramid. And I am not going back to the bottom of the pyramid. My arms can't handle that weight. I merely nodded before running up to my room

Because fuck homework.

Lae'lani's POV

This is complete bullshit. I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have run. Fuck, I'm a coward. I'm supposed to be stronger than this shit, I let my brother down. I let my moms down. Oh god, she's probably crushed. I need to call her. I sat down on one of the last unopened boxes and sighed. I ran my hands through my hair before pulling a blunt out of my pocket, lighting it, and taking a long drag of it, all in one motion.

    "Finally, some relief." I moved to the couch and lay down, eyes closed, smoking without a care in the world, because that's what getting high does. It removes all my worries.

That fucking knock on the door brought them all back though. I jumped up with the quickness, causing the lit end blunt to fall and hit my arm, and I felt a slight burn.

    "Fuck! Shit, shit, shit." I hopped around a little, because, I don't know, it just takes away from the pain, sort of. There was another knock on the door, meaning whoever it was didn't go away. "Man, who the fuck could be at my damn door?"

And then I thought. What if they found me? But, already? I just got here yesterday, they couldn't have found me already. Better safe than sorry. I ran to my bag, pulled my glock out, and shoved it into my waistband, making sure it was hidden under my shirt. I slowly made my way to the door, and the knocking became more impatient, since it came quicker than the last one.

With my hand on the door knob, I took a last breath before opening the door, "Hello?"

And before me stood the most divine woman I'd ever encountered. I can't describe her as anything less than fucking breathtaking.

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