part-7 "𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙"

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"Are you interested??"...tae asked when she Shockley said"hospital!!!"...

"No .. why could I??..." She suddenly replied.

"Ok...tae!!, I am waiting for you outside.. come faster." Jimin said and leave.

"I think our talk is over" tae said to her.

"Yeah I should leave... ". She politely said and left the office and then came back to her seat.
"I don't understand yet why did I reacted??.............but I am curious whether he is alright or not....
No, no no Nabi! For you he is damn Hitler. Don't think about him. Focus on your work " she continuously talking to herself


"Your girlfriend is beautiful." Jimin said to tae while driving the car. They both were on the way to hospital.

"That lady Diana!!!........She is not my girlfriend. She is....."

"Who is she for you??" ... Jimin hurriedly asked

"She is just a worker for me..."

"Are you serious??".. he asked
"Ofcource!!" Taehyung looked away,

"But in front of your parents, she is your girlfriend.." Jimin was remembering him that .

"I know..." He took a deep breath while saying.

"Anyway, she is beautiful, I may get a chance to...." Jimin was smirking.

"You again started.............. The king of flirting!!! "... He said in annoying way

"What else could I do?? I am handsome and cute".... Jimin was continuously smirking and smiling.

"C'mon focus on driving..."

"Ah!!!!..........Ok!!!!" Jimin chuckled.


"I am just leaving now, it will be getting dark soon ".... She said to herself.

(She went on and took a bus, she kept thinking, why did he need to go to the hospital??........
On her way, the bus stopped at the first stop, she was watching the whole scene outside the window with her eyes.................... All of a sudden, he saw Jimin sitting on a bench near the cafeteria. She was puzzled. She saw here and there. Maybe her eyes were seeking someone else, she was continuously roaming around.
The bus was about to start, without thinking she took off from the bus and went to Jimin.........................)

"Hello Jimin!!"..... She greeted him

Jimin who was busy in mobile phone, got shocked and lifted his head up "Nabi! You!!!!......" He was surprised.

"How are you??".... She asked for nothing
"I am .... I am good " he was still surprised, "why are you here??"

"I don't know, I was on bus , suddenly I Saw you and unknowlendgly I came to you"..... She didn't know what she is saying.

"Have a seat please!!!"...... He said gently

"No.... I am okay!!" She replied, " where is that Hitler, is he okay?? "

"Hitler???!!!"....... He couldn't understand

"Sorry.... I mean , him".........she wasn't saying his name.

"Taehyung!!!???..." He asked

She nodded her head in yes...

"Yes, he is better... Taking some rest.... He replied," but wait!! Why are you asking for him?? ......Are you worried ??"

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