Mr. Hot Guy

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Hallie's P.O.V.

"Hey Allison!!" I yelled as my bestfriend walked towards my locker.

"Hi Hallie baby!!" She returned, giving me a hug. "Oh my god, guess what?" She asked, repeatedly hittin my arm playfully.

"What? Did you finally ask whats-her-name out?" I chuckled in return.

"Michelle is her name, and no! Never! What I was going to say was that I heard there is this really cute transfer senior here and he has eyes for you!" She said pointing her finger at me.

"What? No, they must be mistaking me for someone else. Have you seen him? Is he cute?" I nervously asked.

"Actually, I haven't but I heard he's in our next history class so I guess we will find out." She said sending a wink my way.

"Stop forreal, that's not okay. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know me or my name for that matter. C'mon let's go before we're late to class!" I sang, holding one arm out.

We walked into our third period history class. The class is sorta kinda fun. Mr. Walker is weird, but cool in a way that's not that cool sort of.

The bell rang and Mr. Walker stood up and started writing out some notes for class, then got interrupted by the assistant principal,
"Sorry to interrupt your class Mr. Walker but it looks like you have a new student, all the way from Florida, Carson Copeland."

OH MY GOD. He's so hot. What the heck. Is he staring at me? Why am I staring at him. Close your mouth Hallie! Oh my god, look away before he thinks you're a weirdo. Oh my god he's laughing at me. Aww his smile is so cute okay st-
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Mr. Walker's voice,
"Hello Carson I'm Mr. Walker, class say hello to your new classmate. Okay you can take a seat right next to Ms. Hallie. Hallie raise your hand."

Wai- did he just say Hallie? Hallie James as in me?! I raised my hand slowly as all the girls in the class stayed with their mouths wide open, excluding Allison because she had a smirk on her face holding in a laugh. I gave her a threatening look.

He sat down, and turned to look at me mouthing something but I couldn't quite understand what he was saying because I was so focused on his perfect chiseled chin, thick eyebrows, and beautiful green eyes.

Then I finally heard him yell-whisper, "Hey! Are you okay?"
"Ye- yeah. Why?" I stuttered.
"Oh, no reason," he smirked.
"Do you have a pencil I could borrow?"
"Oh, um ye- yeah. Here you go." I handed him one of my blue mechanical pencils and he took it.

"Okay class, for our first project grade you will be working with partners. The assignment! You will be chosen a partner, and you will choose any major event that happened in history and depict why it was such an important event. Hence, this is a history class. Your partners are posted on the board by the door and you have 2 weeks to complete the assignment and turn it in."
The bell rang, and I let out a sigh of relief.
"Tired? Here's your pencil." Carson said, handing my pencil back to me.

"Oh, no you can keep it and yeah I'm so tired heh." I said giving him a nervous smile.

"Oh, thanks," he said, smiling at me. "I'm Carson by the way." He continued, shaking my hand.

"Hallie," I returned, offering a smile. His hand shake was so firm, and you could see the vain in his muscles, mm. "So do you know who your partner is for the project yet?"
Mr. Walker interrupted our conversation and said "Sorry to butt in your conversation, but I didn't put your partner on the board Hallie."
Why wouldn't he put my partner on the board? I'm a good student.
He continued, "Since we have a new student, and you are the smartest person in the class.. don't tell anyone I said that.. You will be working with Carson."

I stood there for a second in complete shock. I looked over at Carson, and saw him blushing, and looked quite upset.
Then before anyone could say anything else I opened my mouth, "Oh- Okay. I will.. do my best."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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