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Note: I think that, after reading the Letter With Clear Handwriting, Kaeya just misses home. That's why he wanted to stay and all that. I came up with this whole thing when I should have been sleeping so yeah excuse it if Kaeya seems out of character buuut... I think he has a secret emotional side to him. Enjoy.

Kaeya woke up in his old bedroom at Dawn Winery to the sound of a door being shut. His door. He groaned and opened his gorgeous sky blue eyes to be met with the sight of the polished oak headboard of his comfy bed; he had slept quite peacefully on his stomach.

"Why the hell are you here," a deep, familiar voice questioned a tad roughly from near Kaeya's bedside. Diluc.

A little panicked, Kaeya covered his right eye with his hand and reached to grab his black and gold eyepatch from his nightstand. He adorned it before facing Diluc, still lying on his stomach, cool signature smirk on his face. That smirk was supposed to hide how he felt, but Diluc saw through it. Kaeya seemed anxious and... sad.

  "Good morning, Master Diluc. Sleep well?" The handsome dark blue-haired man was trying to brush his sworn brother's question off. Kaeya rested his head in his hand, propped upright thanks to his elbow being pressed against the mattress.

Diluc narrowed his strawberry red eyes at him, even though he knew his brother wasn't in the best state. "Answer me, Kaeya. Why are you here? To annoy me, I suppose? To mock me? I truly don't have time for your childish games; it's a busy time of the year for me—"



A sad smile claimed Kaeya's face, and he looked away from the red-haired man. "This... is my home. I miss it all the time.... The Knights' Headquarters is cozy, but this is exactly where my heart lies. Nothing can change that."

"...your point...?" Diluc was a little confused by this sudden revelation. Did it have anything to do with the emotion that had been attempted to hide behind Kaeya's earlier smirk?

"I miss the old days," began the younger, "I wish Father hadn't died. I wish we hadn't ever fought." As he spoke, his voice was barely audible. Diluc had to strain to hear his words. Sighing, Kaeya sat up and leaned back on the headboard, staring at the ceiling "I wish everything had turned out fine. This all sucks. You know what I'm talking about."

  Even having an idea of what was being discussed, Diluc crossed his arms and gave Kaeya an expectant stare, waiting for him to continue. Catching on, the blue eyed man chuckled and shook his head before carrying on.

  "I wish Father hadn't died, and I wish you and I hadn't fought. It was foolish, and... painful. In many ways." Kaeya's voice caught in his throat, and he turned his head away so Diluc wouldn't see the tears brimming in his visible eye. "Why can't we just be a normal f-family...?" Suddenly Kaeya's voice broke, and his efforts to seem calm were laid to waste. Diluc started forward, then paused. Wouldn't he just be pushed away?

  As Kaeya continued, he wiped his tears with the back of his hand. "I wish you would go b-back to your normal self. My happy, pleasant brother from when we w-were younger. But... I think it's t-too late, isn't it...? We can't change anything n-now...! This is stupid!" With that, he seemed to be finished.

Silence then filled the room, the only sounds being Kaeya's quiet sniffles and Diluc's even breathing. When did Kaeya have a heart? Diluc wanted to kick himself for even thinking that.

  He took a deep breath, running a hand through his messy red hair. "Move over, Kae."


  "Just... just do it. Please."

  Figuring that it'd be better if he just listened, Kaeya tentatively squirmed over to the side, and Diluc came over and sat down beside him. He then pulled the crying man to his chest. It caught the Calvary Captain way off-guard. After some hesitation and confusion, Kaeya slowly put his arms around Diluc in return.

  Eventually Diluc whispered to Kaeya, "I know... I get it completely. There have been many nights where I have hoped for the same things. But, sadly... as you said, nothing can change what has occurred in the past, though we can still map out our future." Diluc smoothed Kaeya's hair down soothingly like he had done so many times before in their childhood. It always calmed his younger brother down, and it was working right now. It wasn't long before Kaeya ceased to cry. Diluc's shirt soaked up the remaining tears.

  "I'm sorry," Kaeya whispered. Diluc made a noise of inquiry. "I'm sorry for all that I've done to drive us apart. I never should have messed things up or have tormented you." He pushed away from Diluc and hugged himself tightly, his visible eye wide. "I'm so, so sorry, Luc." And he looked as though he meant it, although Diluc would've definitely been able to tell regardless.

  With a sigh, Diluc smiled weakly at him. "I forgive you, but I'm to blame for a lot of it as well.... More than you, I think.... So I should really be the one apologizing—" He was interrupted before he could breathe another word.

  "I forgive you, Luc." Kaeya smiled at him with a small nod of acceptance. "We're all good now...?"

  "Yes, yes we are. And you can stay here for as long as you like from now on... you can live here. With me. Just like old times...," Diluc murmured, happy about this turn of events. "Sound good, Kae?" Using nicknames felt just right.

  "Indeed, Luc, it does. My, what will Adelinde and the other staff say when they hear the good news?" Kaeya chuckled. "They'll probably think we've gone mad!"

  "Well, we kind of have...."

  "Speak for yourself."

  "Yeah right." Diluc swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up—Kaeya rose to his feet on the other side of the bed and stretched. The red-haired male looked to his eyepatch-wearing brother, who dropped his arms back down to his sides and turned to meet Diluc's friendly gaze. "What would you like for breakfast? I can cook."

"Bacon and eggs with a side of sliced sunsettia. I can assist you in the making of things, if you'd like me to?"

"Sure. Get dressed—I'll meet you down there." Diluc started walking towards the door.

"Okay. I'll be there soon."

And thus began the start of a great relationship once tarnished by cold words and uninviting glares, now rekindled with the cinders of brotherly love that had slightly diminished from between the two over the years.

~Genshin Impact~ Kaeya & Diluc: ApologyWhere stories live. Discover now