Chapter 3 - The Plan

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Chapter 3
- Louis P.O.V.

As we were chatting, Charlie's phone started to buzz since Charlie was driving, I grabbed his phone, and when I looked then, I saw the text was from Bella.

pick me up plz, and by the way, I GOT THE JOB!

"Louis, who texted me?" Charlie asked he peered back towards me for a split second before turning his attention back to the road.

"Oh, ah Bella texted you saying that she needs picking up and that she got the job!"

"That's great, can you please text her back, saying I'll pick her up after I drop you boys off." Charlie was saying with a big grin on his face.

"Okay," I say.

While I was texting, the boys had started to talk about the upcoming tour and what things they still needed to pack.

Hi Bella
It's Louis. Your dad will pick you up after he drops us home.
Congrats on getting the job, us boys can't wait to work with you.
Louis :)

"This is your stop boys. I'll drop Bella off soon." Charlie says just as I click the send button on his phone.

When we got inside, Niall headed for the kitchen for his second breakfast. Zayn went upstairs to his bedroom to go back to sleep and Liam, Harry and I all went into the lounge.

- Liam P.O.V.
I was sitting on the floor with my back against Harry's legs as he and Louis played Xbox, I grabbed my laptop and logged into Twitter. I searched Bella, and her last name which I knew because of Charlie, and luckily her account popped up, she looked amazing in her profile picture she must have been at the beach with one of her friends, the sun was setting behind them, and they are both smiling at the camera. She looked amazing, her long blond hair was out and she was wearing a blue and white polka dot bikini. After looking through some of her pictures I followed her.

Since I haven't been keeping up to date on twitter I thought it was time to post a status.
@Bella can't wait to start working with you :)

- Bella P.O.V.
The drive home was silent most of the way, dad congratulated me for getting the job when I first hopped into the car. After that I went on Instagram then Twitter to see that Liam had followed me so I followed him back, then I followed Harry and other boys, in less than 10 minutes all of them had followed me back. I then realised Liam had written a tweet about me so I replied

@Liam_Payne thanks, I can't wait either :P

I had gotten over one thousand followers since the boys had followed me which was just crazy.
When we got home I ran upstairs to my bedroom and grabbed my leopard print suitcase. I put as much clothing as possible in, plus my laptop, passport and wash bag. After dragging my super heavy suitcase, which clunked down each and every step as I dragged it down the staircase and into the back of the limo, we left for One Direction's house.

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