Chapter 17 - Airplane

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Chapter 17
The morning
- Bella P.O.V.

"Harry!!" I yelled from the top of the stairs.
"Help me carry my bag down"
"ask properly"
"ergggg, fine, Can you please carry my bag down stairs for me?"
"Sure" Harry said with a grin.

The next 21 and a half hours stuck on a plane with them are going to be the least enjoyable time of my life. I have no problem with the boys but I don't want to be stuck in a confined area with them for over a long time.

I grabbed my crutches and followed Harry down stairs to the limo, I hopped in and waited for them to get into the limo. I drummed the seat next to me with my fingers while I was waited for the boys.
"Are you alright Bella?" Harry said snapping me out of my trance.
"Yer, I'm fine"


I passed my passport to the person over the counter.
"Thank you" he said passing back my passport.
The six of us piled into the private Jet.
"Please buckle your seat belts for take-off, thank you"
I'm sitting next to Niall then Harry and Louis are sitting together and Zayn and Liam are sitting together.

"I haven't talked to in a while"
"I know, so how are you?" I asked
Niall leaned in and gently kissed me, it was short but passionate.
"Much better now"

I leaned my head onto Niall's shoulder and slowly started to drift asleep when I heard somebody talking.
"You really love her don't you?" Harry said well I think it was Harry I was half asleep.
"Yea, she means the world to me" Niall answered
I couldn't help but smile, I hope he doesn't realise.
Niall started to rub his thumb on top of my hand, I then fell asleep.

Niall P.O.V.
Bella's so cute when she is asleep her mouth is slightly open and her head is resting on my shoulder. Even though I haven't known Bella for that I long, I really do love her.

I know Harry isn't the happiest about me being with her but he will have to live because she's my girlfriend and I love her.
"Niall?" Bella said very sleepily
"Yer babe?"
"How long have I been asleep?"
I looked at my phone.
"About 4 hours"
"Ok, I'm hungry"
"Same, I'll go get some food."
"Thanks Nialler"

I walked to the back of the plane and asked the air hostess for some lunch. I grabbed the two trays of food that were sitting on the bench and walked back over to Bella.

"Here you go"
"Thanks Niall"
"No prob"
I started to eat the macaroni and cheese after I finished that, I ate the toasted sandwiches.
One other thing I like about Bella is she doesn't care what she eats and how much compared to most girls they will hardly eat, it really annoys me.
"You finished?" I asked Bella hoping I could eat Bella's left overs.
"No Nialler I've finished my food"
I looked to see she had finished all her food.
"Do you want to watch a movie together?" Bella asked with Puppy dog eyes
"What movie?"
"What about....."
"Can we watch Grease?" I said interrupting Bella

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she leaned her head on my chest.
This is going to be a fun, I have my girlfriend and we are watching my favourite movie.

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