The Rise of The Demon

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Hell was rather boring. The eternal screams were dull. The fire of Hell just didn't have the same kick anymore.

Of course, Arkozath was a demon. He didn't have to be tortured for eternity, instead he was a torturer. Not that he enjoyed it. But even then, it was better then his new job.

He sat infront of The Gates of the Fire Kingdom. He was assigned to watch The Gates for the rest of time. Sounds fun, right? Being a warden? Well, you're wrong.

No one tries to break out of Hell because they're all busy being tortured! And who wants to break in to Hell. Apart from some weird anime-obsessed basement dwellers, no one. So, Ark sat alone.

"Urghhh, my skills are wasted here..." He groaned quietly. He brushed back his dark brown hair. Fixing the small faults, but he couldn't get to perfection.

Arkozath knew he was assigned here because Lucifer knew no one would be able to get past him. Demon or Human, he would stop them.

He had trained for thousands of years in the deepest pits of hell, refining his form until it was perfected. He had mastered all mortal martial arts. Kung fu, Karate, Taekwando, etc. He knew them all.

Of course the next step was mastering the celestial attack forms. De alis matutina was a tough one, created by Lucifer himself. Manus Sanctae was near impossible to learn by a demon, as it was an Angel art. And yet, Arkozath had learnt it.

And the fruits of his labor had led him here, sitting alone infront of a gate. It wasn't worth it. "I wish I could just be assigned something else..." He muttered.

That's when a blast of dark purple, mixed with patches of a holy blue, appeared before him. He could  recognise that method of transportation for another 20000 years. The Red-skinned demon fell to his knee, showing respect to his king.

"Rise, Arkozath. You know I don't hold you to those formalities." Lucifer stated, offering a hand to help Ark up. The Demon took it, honoured that Lucifer Morningstar himself offered him help.

"My king-" Arkozath started once on his feet, but with one quick look on Lucifer's end, he knew to drop it. "Lucifer, what is it you've come for?" He asked, feeling a bit awkward to use The Prince of Darkness' actual name. "Can't I come visit my favourite demon in Hell?" The Archangel replied.

Arkozath almost chuckled. "Lucifer, in all due respect, we both know you would only personally come out here for business, otherwise you'd just summon me." He said, happiness flowing through his mind knowing Lucifer acknowledged him. "Ha, you know me well I see. Well yes, there is a reason I am here."

Ark waited patiently for Lucifer to continue. "You see, I believe your talents are wasted here. This was supposed to be a temporary position for you anyway." He said calmly. A glint of excitement appeared in The Demon's eyes. "Thank you sir- Lucifer! May I ask what my new job will be?"

Lucifer smirked a bit. "Well if I didn't tell you it wouldn't be very easy to do, know would it?" He said, a tone of amusement in his voice. Arkozath chuckled awkwardly.

"Your new assignment is on Earth. I will be assigning you missions as you stay there." The Prince said, placing his hand on Ark's shoulder. "You're the only one I can rely on for this task."

Arkozath felt a surge of pride fuel his body. "Of course, Lucifer. When do I leave?" The demon asked. The Prince of Darkness checked his watch. "5 minutes. Scratch that, now." He said. "Wait what-?" He asked.

Lucifer snapped his fingers, and Arkozath was suddenly on Earth, Las Vegas to be particular. "Lucifer what-" He started, but it was too late.

He sighed, facepalming. Of course his king did this. And into the City of Sin? A bit on the nose. "Testing, 1 2 1 2." Lucifer said within Arkozath's mind.

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