An Angel's journey

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Charliath was not having a good day.

An Angel's day being bad? How is that possible, you may ask. Well. It started out as a normal day, Charlieath was flying around The Silver City, doing his everyday tasks. Polishing the statues, answering a few prayers and what-not.

As always, he did it with perfection. Infact, he finished early, what a treat you may say. Now he gets to spend the rest of the day off.

Wrong again. Thanks to Dear old Mr. God, he was assigned more work. "An Angel must always be occupied!" Was the reasoning. It had been like this for eons, since The Great Rebellion.

If Charlie had known God would be this pissy 4.5 Billion years later, he would've probably preferred to be with Lucifer in Hell. But what's done is done.

He was just so tired of it. So when he found out what his task was, he was actually rather pleased. He was commanded to fly to Earth to deal with a demon with had arrived there.

Of course, no one said he had to go to hunt them immediately. Sure, he wanted to eradicate a Demon as much as the next Celestial, but he needed a break from God's whining. Charlie could see where Lucifer was coming from...

His wings popped as he stretched them, preparing for the journey ahead. Before he left however, the voice of God talked to him. "I have given you a Celestial Sword, capable of killing a Demon, and a compass to find them. You will return these items once you return." The Deity commanded. "Yes, my Lord." The Angel replied.

And with that, he took flight. Flying down to The Mortal plane. Charliath must admit, the view was spectacular. Inbetween The Planes of Reality, there was sheer nothingness. And yet, everything. It's where the Universe is darkest, and yet shines the brightest.

It's truely beautiful, but he did not have time to dwell on it. If you stay inbetween the planes of realities for too long, you may get lost.

He was the planet Earth approaching quickly. He entered the atmosphere, then landed at the ground, stopping his desent just before hitting the ground.

He took a deep breath. The air on Heaven is much different than the air on Earth, it'd take a moment for him to get used to.

Despite that, he wanted to make the most out of the limited time he had on Earth. It was around 4 O'Clock when he arrived, so he had 3 hours until he absolutely had to be back.

Charliath started his visit to Earth by inspecting his location. He could see The Eiffel Tower. However, this was much smaller then he remembered it, so he must be in-

"Vegas..." He said, a tone of disgust in his voice. He hated this place. The alcohol, the drugs, the parties. He hated it all. His wings were hidden as he walked through the streets.

No matter the location, he was happy he was away from The Big G. He was overworked, and he deserved a break. Especially since God gives less vacation time than Jeff Bezos.

All loving God his Angelic ass. The amount of time he's seen Him strike someone with lightning for saying one bad thing about him was insane. And that's not even including the whole Flooding-The-World thing.

He started by sitting on a bench. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. A small nap wouldn't hurt, would it?

Well, turns out it would.

Charliath woke up. The sky was now turning dark. He quickly checked his watch. "Shit!" He exclaimed. It was Half past 6! He had half an hour!

He jumped up and ran into a random ally, his wings bursting from his back once out of the view of the drunken eyes of Vegas. Taking flight, he flew at speeds that he'd have passed before you could see him.

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