Chapter 1

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(they arent in the same house srry if thats confusing)

Steve woke up, laying on his stomach with his hands around a pillow. the looked around for nancy, she wasn't beside him anymore. He hesitantly slipped out of bed, He was instantly cold at his lack of clothing. He grabbed his shorts off the floor and put them on.

He walked over to his bathroom to brush his teeth. He didn't realize it yet but he had a growing headache. after he was done brushing his teeth and sighed and streched a little, He grabbed hus deodorant off a small shelf and lifted his arm, applying it then doing the same for his other arm. Then he stepped downstairs to look for nancy.

Jonathan woke up laying on his side, a blanket wrapped around him. He stayed in bed for a little longer. Not wanting to have to get up, He sighs as he throws the blanket off him then sits up and moves his legs so they hung off his bed.

Joyce had been in the kitchen making breakfast, a luxury jonathan had that steve hadn't had in years. He didn't mind, or thats what he told himself.

Jonathan fixed his shirt and grabbed some discarded socks he took of before sleeping, once he had them on and walked out for breakfast. "Jonathan, Could you wake up will?" Bob asked inbetween kissing with his mother.

he glared at them before walking away, into wills room and gently knocking on the door frame, he watched as will shifted in bed waking up. "Come get breakfast, we can eat in your room." Jonathan spoke a little quietly. He did not want to watch joycé and Bob suck eachothers face off as he was trying to eat.

Jonathan walked back into the kitchen, he made himself a plate of bacon, eggs, and peaches. he grabbed a fork and head into wills room. He waited for will to come back with his plate before they started eating and making small chats, like how school was doing. Jonathan tried his best to make will feel normal after.. what happened.

Steve was looking around the house, "Nancy?" he called out, No reply. She had left him alone in his house. he sighed and walked to his kitchen. He grabbed a box of cereal off the top of the fridge, he placed it down on a counter. He walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a bowl, then grabbing a spoon from the drawer under the cabinet. He walked to the cearel box holding the bowl, he poured a good amount into it then dropped the box back onto the counter. He opened his fridge to grab the milk and poured just enough in so the ceral is floating, then placing the milk back inside the fridge. He grabbed his bowl and sat down at the dining table, eating alone in his big empty house.

After jonathan and will were done eating, Jonathan took both of their dishes and took them to the kitchen, he dropped them in the sink then walked back to his room, Changing into a striped brown and white shirt, some dark blue jeans and a black denim jacket. He slid on his shoes then said goodbye to joyce, He ignored bob qnd got into his car, driving to school.

Steve had ate barely half if his cereal before he left it on the table, going upstairs and getting dressed. He wore a dark green shirt with a white collar and white on the edge of his sleeves. Some darkish blue jeans and some tan boots. Once he was ready he grabbed hus keys and walked out of his house, he sighed and grabbed onto the handle of his csr door, pulling it open and getting inside. While he was starting his car he couldn't help but worry that nancy was hanging out with that jonathan freak.

Jonathan and steve had arrived at school around the same time. And they walked into class at the same time, Both of them a little late. this earned a few laughter, steves head whipped towards tommy and carol, they both had one hand as a circle and put their index finger into it and pulled it out repeatedly, steve immediately spoke "Im not a queer. and definitely not with that jonathan pervert." A few of the classmates laughed and jonathan just sighed. he walked to his seat and sat down. looking anywhere but towards steve, carol and tommy. "Thats enough." The teacher spoke up as a few other classmates were joking. Steve looked towards jonathan, he felt q little guilty. "No, he slept with your girlfriend." steve reminded himself in his head. he looked back at the teacher but couldnt help glimpsing at jonathan all throughout the lesson. Jonathan tried his best to keep his composure, he watched the teacher but he couldn't help feeling like he was being watched. which wasnt unfamiliar.

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