Chapter 3

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I have a few reads already, I'm really proud. Keep reading because the chapters will get longer and better, it's just that I know when I want them to end and there is only so much I can fit in without ruining the story, please comment I would love to hear feedback. xoxo


*Charlotte's POV*

'BRINGGGG BRINGGGG!', I woke to a start then I realized it was my alarm, I groaned. I quickly turned my alarm off and hoped that I didn't wake any of the boys up, I got changed in to my uniform took off most of my jewellery, leavimg my earings in, brushed my hair into a high ponytail and brushed my teeth, and applyed minimal amount of make up, I was ready to leave so I went to the spare room and hoped Harry was in there then a hand grabbed my shoulder and I screamed, then the other hand covered my mouth. I tensed up as my attacker's body got closer, "You don't want to wake them up love". It was Louis, I forgot he was in my room. Wait I got changed in my room, oh crap! "What time did you wake up?" I nervously asked please say while I was putting my make up on. "Um, well don't hit me but when you were in your undergarments" I nearly hit him but then I forgot about my alarm, how am I going to wake up every morning without waking him up? "Why don't I jut drive you to school everyday because there is no way of waking yourself up without waking me up, yes you thought out loud", I should really stop thinking out loud "Yeah you should" I groaned.

*Louis' Pov* A few minutes ago.

I was having an amzing dream about when we performed at Maddison Square Garden, that was my favourite performance ever. Then I heard an alarm going off then a groan, it must be Charlotte. I tried going back to sleep and I succeded, for a couple minutes but I woke to an interesting start. It was Charlotte in nothing but her underwear. God she was fit, I think she's forgotten I'm here and why is she wearing a uniform? I thought we only had them for primary schools, it must be this Australia thing. She turned around so I closed my eyes. I then figured out that she'l have to wake Harry, even I don't wake Harry and I'm his Boo Bear. I'll offer to take her to and from school, maybe we can bond a bit, it's the only time she will come out of her room. There is also no way of her waking up without waking me up, except if she wakes up at the right time everyday, but she'll still have to wake up Harry and that is scary, the only person that can wake him up without getting a black eye is Chelsea and she's back in England. So I got up and went to get her.

*Charlotte's POV*

Louis offered to make me breakfast, but I don't eat it on school days. So i just said no and when he asked why I just said I wasn't hungry. He got changed and then he had to decide on the car to take me to school, "JUST PICK ONE ALREADY" I screamed, well I had and excuse and I was going to be late for school. He picked the small white car we have. I gave him the directions to the school, put my earphones in and put my IPod at full volume. It is the one time of day I can relax and I'm not going to change just because 1/5 of One Direction is in the car, even if I am listening to them. We got to the school to see that Jake was waiting for me at the gate, fantastic. I told Louis to leave as fast as he can so he isn't recognised, I just lied to Louis Tomlinson , what a fantastic way to repay them for making me stop cutting, I should probably tell them tonight. As soon as I was out the car it sped off and Jake threw a water balloon full of milk at me. May I mention it was milk that was off, great now I smelt like spoilt milk, fantastic. I went to the girls changeroom and took my dress and jumper off and washed them, to get the smell off I used my roll-on deoderant, you would think spray would be easier but we aren't allowed to use spray. Once I did that I quickly cleaned my hair and went to the nurse to get some dry shampoo.

After that I went to my first class, Science. I actually enjoyed it because I need it to be a doctor, and we are disecting things. I work by myself and get top marks while all the other girls are screaming and yelling EW! If this room doesn't stop echoing I'm going to go insane. The teacher said I did so well that I should show the principal, I was so proud nobody ever gets to show him things, but of course being me while I was walking there Jake and one of him 'Jaketors' as they call themselves pushed my face in to the rat and threw it on the ground they laughed but once the principal came over it was an 'accident', the principal let them off with a warning. I had to go to the nurse for the second time today to clean my hair and face. I can't wait until this day is over, if I didn't have Performance next I would of pulled a sicky.

In drama everyone leaves me alone because, 1. The teacher is always watching my acting, singing or my slightly improving dancing 2. None of the main offenders are in the class and without their leaders they are clueless. It is the one class I can escape. I'm the lead in all the plays even though some people try and sabotage the teacher says I am so talented that I can just continue with the play whch I believe so I keep going and I'm told I do better then the original dialouge.

I was waiting for Louis to come pick me up but I made sure I was away from the school, around the corner, but then a Bridgetor, yeah she was that popular they are still around even though shes been away for longer for a month, found me and started poking me non-stop calling me names like slut, whore, worthless, bitch ect. I walked away and called the home phone seeming a I don't have any of the boys numbers. Louis picked up, "Ello" "Louis, where are you? You do know you have to pick me up aswell?" "well, uhh, I did know that but I can't pick you up right now the boys and I are discussing a new album and we aren't allowed to leave unless someone is dying". "Fine I'll walk home" I hung up without even thinking, so now for the hour and a half walk home, yay, note the sarcasm. As soon as I left some year 11's came up to me and started poking me and ripping my bag away from me, they didn't succedbut it took a lot of strength but it worked. Once I got halfway home they got boerd and went home. Only 45 minutes to go and I'm walking in 35*C weather. My hair will be interesting once I get home.

I walked in and I saw an unhappy Liam Payne standing in front of me. "Where have you been, you haven't been answering calls and why do you smell like spoiled milk?" "Well my phone was destroyed, at school we had a milk fight and where have I been I walked home because apparently the one thing you guys have to do for me doesn't matter! Don't pretend you care about where I have been, if you really cared you would have gone out and looked for me, an hour and a half that walk is but a 3 minute drive nobody can do? You think you can get annoyed at me!" I stormed off to see four very shocked faces watching the t.v, "YEAH THIS LOOKS LIKE A BAND MEETING LOUIS! YOU SAID YOU WOULD DRIVE ME TO AND FROM SCHOOL EVERYDAY YOU DO KNOW EVERYDAY IS A REPETITIVE THING?! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!" I stormed in to my room and slammed the door. So now the people that stopped me cutting are too busy to do one thing so they can watch tv? Well I don't care anymore, if thats what I'm going to turn into when I become famous, its not worth it. I got my razor out and cut 5 very deep cuts in my arm. I didn't care where the blood went so I just went to sleep. Maybe I should move to England then I can start over or maybe I'll die there and then I'm not really starting to mind.

*Louis POV*

If I knew it was that long of a walk I wouldn't of let her walk. I tried to go talk to her but Zayn and Niall held me back and told me not to worry, I trust these boys with my life so I sat back down and continued watching Toy Story. I yawned and decided to go to sleep. When I walked in to Charlotte's room she is already asleep. She looks so peaceful apart from her red puffy eyes, she'd been crying. She had white One Direction covers, she is so cute. Then I see a red that isn't anywhere else on the covers or matches her hair so I check it out. It was blood, I felt sick I looked at her wrist and burst in to tears. I will pick her up early if she wants but if I don't pick her up and this is what she does I'll do it myself. They were still bleeding so I carried her bridal style to the bathroom and washed them all. I am so careful with her, like she is the most delicate thing that can brake with the slightest touch. I bandage her up and put her back in her bed. I debate with myself whether to sleep with her or not but then I realised that wouldn't be the best thing seeming as she probably cut because of me. I know how to make it up to her, so I set out in a country I don't know and try to look for a florist I found one an hour away and then I lfigured out there is a GPS in the ca and turns out there is a florist 2 minutes away from the house, nice one Louis. I then go to a cafe and set and order for the morning then once I get back home I set an alarm on my phone for 5:30am set it on vibrate, put it under my pillow and try and get some sleep. Hopefully this will work, I am really starting to care for this girl.

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