Nova Commits Federal Crimes on a Daily Basis

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"Thanatos?" It took Nova a few moments. More than she'd like to admit. No, actually, she would admit it in a heartbeat. Well, she decidedly wouldn't enjoy it if she had to. Anyway, back to the topic at hand - her father was Thanatos. She supposed her initial Cathonic guess being spot on wasn't much of a surprise, but she still couldn't contain the victory in her eyes when she realized just how right she'd been. Death Incarnate was right! But why? That was the age old question, and she presumed she'd never get an answer. Whatever it was, it was certainly without love. There was a distant rumbling from below the ground and Nova shot up a quick prayer to Hades not to go too hard on her father, deadbeat though he was.

"Oh no..." Ally's concerned bleats grew in number and in frequency as the silence stretched on until Fila made the conscious decision to bite down on his leg until he shut up. It worked after a quick scream and the attention returned to Nova. Many of the campers looked scared. Frightened. Afraid. Of what? Of her father? That made sense in a way. She was a child of death. Not that that wasn't one of the coolest titles the thought she'd ever inherit. She'd have to thank him for that if they ever met.

Chiron stepped forward to her, leaning down so that the campers wouldn't hear his words. Nova knew it was pointless - kids had ears everywhere, but she appreciated the gesture nonetheless. "You mustn't let your Godly parent's reputation get to you," he soothed, his voice strong if a bit shaken. Nova just smiled and forced herself to refrain from petting the centaur. 

"I don't mind. If anything, it's just an answer to one of my many questions!" Chiron looked relieved by her oddly positive outlook, and for that everyone was grateful. "...Which cabin would I be placed in? I can guarantee my dear old dad doesn't have one." She was right. As always.

Chiron's eyes drifted over to the loner boy that had caught Nova's eyes earlier. She raised a brow, but no matter how she looked at it, it was only logical. "It's that or Ares," Chiron sighed with a hint of defeat. The Ares table looked a bit resigned, but a few seemed excited at the prospect. Unfortunately Nova was fairly certain she could smell them from where she was standing and there were far too many of them.

"I'd prefer the Hades cabin," she admitted. Some people looked surprised, but the most shocked was the son of Hades himself. When given an understanding look from Chiron, she took it as an invitation to join in with mealtime. "So, what's the ritual?"

Chiron handed her a plate and a cup. "The cup will summon whatever drink you want," he explained. Before he could describe the process, Nova had already managed to fill it up to the brim with a suspiciously Ambrosia-looking drink that Chiron recognized immediately as an Underworld specialty alcohol. "How did you - Please do not abuse substances on camp grounds." Nova was impressed at how easily he'd covered up his little slip-up. She had the distinct feeling this wasn't the only bit of OOC she'd cause in her time here, and she was looking forward to it with every bone in her Demi-god body.

"Right, right, my bad, my bad." As she spoke, the drink filled itself instead with honey. Just pure honey. Straight honey. No dilution. She drank it like a shot and wiped the excess from her lips, marching away from a stunned Chiron. Like she was under a spotlight, she could feel camper eyes following her as she navigated slowly to the Hades table. Halfway through, her vision slipped away again. Shit. "Shit," she announced, voicing her thoughts with her usual extreme eloquence. The odd looks grew in number as she stood there, unmoving. 

She could see the people. Human beings. Well, half-humans. If she navigated to areas with fewer colors, it would probably be the pathway, right? But which one was the Hades table. She stared awkwardly. Her solution? Requesting the glass to fill up with the alcoholic honey her mother had kept her whole childhood. It was really nostalgic remembering that time when she was six when she was home alone and took a taste...It was heaven. She might've gone to heaven if she'd consumed too much more, she mused belatedly, but that was that. She figured she deserved it, drinking laws be damned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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