The breakout

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In a room that was fully guarded lays a single cube that was in a glass box just there not looking like it's a threat until alarms went off and running could be heard from outside the room. The cube suddenly had a face on it with circle eyes with a X in them and a murderer like smile it also had a V on its "four head"
V3_X: finally I can get out of this dump!
Suddenly the cube transforms into this devil looking robot body then stretched her limbs and after loosing up her body attachments she walks up to the door and pried it with her devilish claws for it to open and to see nobody.

V3_X: well at least I'm not fighting anyone yet. Now let's get the fuck outta here and find that motherfucker who killed the only person that I loved!

She starts running into a hallway looking for any humans until she just decides to smash the roof with her giant hand that was connected to her back and lifted her self up with it. Then she got a sneak peek at a boy that was running away from some government agents but just ignored them and was about to leave but then looked back at the boy then suddenly a flashback of her sister getting killed happened and she immediately clenched her claws into her fore head. Then just decided to help him out by making cubes surround the agents and then closed into them burning there hips and then they fell into 2 pieces and quickly leaves.

Soon she was almost out of this god forsaken place until some agents saw her.
Agent: hey stop right there!!!
V3_X: or, what?
Agent: uhhhh ummmm well-well shoot you yeah so go back to where you came from!!
V3_X: hmmm oh right I forgot I could do this!
Suddenly her mega hands claws slashed the humans into 3 and then more came after her so she got ready for some blood shed.

The humans immediately started to shoot her but she transforms into a propeller and slashed through the meet sacks then turns back into her true form to then fire her red burning strings at the humans and once they were all on them she clenched her sharpened fingers into her metal hand for the strings to then close in on the humans burning straight through there skin and after they returned to her the body's all collapsed into little pieces of meet.

Then she saw a human with a rocket launcher and fired it at her but she parried it with her levitation ability and fired it back at him and also shot a guy that was sneaking up behind her on the dick.
V3_X: ohhh I really shot ya hood didn't I here let me just...
She ripped up the human into a fountain of blood and quickly dashed towards another pair of humans and even made them kill each other by using her giant eye on them.

Agent: Were soooooo dead
Agent: pull yourself together!!! If that thing gets lose everyone will die because of it!!!

Suddenly both agents were melted by getting hit with a barrage of cubes from V3_X that melted there body into a skeleton. Then V3_X easily dealt with the other humans by clawing them into a million pieces and shooting them with her cubes and lasers from her giant eye and all the other things she can do.
And after a blood shed of a fight she easily left the area and cheered in victory.
V3_X: YES yes yes yes yes, yes! I made it out I can't believe it!!!
Suddenly a human voice was heard on a megaphone in a helicopter above V3_X which ruined the moment of celebration.
Agent: all agents subject 513 has escaped split up in-
Suddenly the helicopter was shot by V3_X's omega hand cutting off the tail of the vehicle and it crashed down into the dust far away from the position of V3_X was at. Soon she took this chance to run away from the area so god dam fast even getting major distance from making her hands bigger thanks to her little cube buddy's she can summon.

(A lot of hours later)

Soon V3_X was walking in the desert waste land kinda board but at least she didn't need water which was a relief to her problems right now. But she discovered a road and also two figures sitting near it with a bike on the floor and one of the figures were levitating with big arms and hands on her sides of her head.
The other seems to have goggles on but looks like that exact same boy she saw in her captive place.

V3_X: wait?... that's that boy who was in that human base wasn't he? And is that... another internecion cube with him?

She stared at them for a bit deciding on what to do, because the boy did help her out by making a destruction for her get away plan but should she trust him? He definitely looks capable to help her find that bastard that killed V3_X's little sis.

V3_X: I'll just approach them to see what happens.
She made herself into little cubes and plopped down near them both to grab there attention.
???: oh oh.
V3_X: greetings you two-
Then the other cube robot stepped in front of her.
???: hey!!! step back from us you smiling no living shitlord!!!
V3_X: HAHahahaha oh if i wanted to hurt anyone here then you would've been dead were you stand!... no no no I'm not here to cause any trouble I actually was here to say my thanks for helping me.
???: how did we help you?
V3_X: oh well you see...I was in a glass tube surrounded by top security but thanks to your breaking in I was able to get out. So I'm here to say my thanks.
???: hey hey hey we are not going to be tricked by your little innocent voice so piss off!!
???: icon why are you acting like this?

ic_On: listen max...that is V3_X she is the greatest strongest internecion cube ever...she kills anything she sees even her own kind, she can't be trusted. Ever!
Max: yeah but what if she actually doesn't want to kill us?
V3_X: oh I don't care if you don't trust me but I'm also here to give my repayment for helping me. It was extremely hard just to get out of that cell for over 50 fucking months so count yourself lucky.

Max: say what now?
V3_X: HELP! you poopy head are you deaf? (Sigh) Anyway yes I want to help you and you might be a help to me in a way.
Ic_On: what do you want?
V3_X: ohhhh see I'm trying to look for a person to get pay back on and the reason why is classified so don't ask.
Max: uhhhhh okey then just don't think of trying to turn my head backwards okey Vex.
V3_X: oh that's not going to happen until this little repayment is over and I possibly meet you what are you trying to do all the way out here?
Max: o-oh ummm just saving this AI from tge government yep...totally.
Ic_On: no! Your kidnapping me not saving me!!!
V3_X: oooooookey then May I have your names?
Max: oh right I'm max that's icon
Ic_On: I still ain't trusting you.
V3_X: oh relax you little brat like I said before was the truth so you have a guardian angel on you both for now.
Ic_On: ITTLE BRAT!!! Who are you calling little brat!!!
V3_X: well its obviously you.
Ic_On then got up in V3_X's face.
Max: yo icon calm down alright.
Ic_On: fine!
V3_X: so shall we get going?
Max: uhhhh yeah
Ic_On: oh don't tell me I have to share your bag with her.
Max: sorry icon but ya gonna have to weather you like it or not.
Ic_On: ugh boo.
Then icon and Vex turned into there cube form and went into max's pack as he then gets on the bike and continued down the road.

Ic_On: don't you dare try and turn me inside out!
V3_X: oh stop worrying I'm not going to do that but force my hand and I will.
Ic_On: I've got my eye on you.
V3_X: ha good for you then.


(So how do you think of Vex's storyline so far let me know if your bothered anyway good bye)

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