·˚𝙭𝙭𝙫𝙞𝙞 ༘༄ ꒰𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘱𝘵.3꒱ؘ*ੈ✩

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Soon enough, you, Marc, and Steven were back in the hallways as you three walked down together.

"There was that bedroom that you didn't want me to go into. That's it," Steven recalled, "That's where we'll go," he told you firmly.

"Just a second. Just wait a second," Marc hurried over to block both your way, "Just give me a second here. Okay?"  he seemed to be nervous for the first time. Something he didn't want you and Steven to find, "Um, look, we don't have to go back through it all again. We can just talk. Let's just talk. Right here, right now. I'll tell you— I'll tell you everything," he gave you both a promising expression, "Okay? I'm just begging you, don't make us go there again. It's not worth it.

"Not worth it? Not worth it?" Steven raised his voice in indignation, "Marc, you're about to lose everything. Do you understand? If we don't get back, and Harrow succeeds, and all those people die—If Layla dies, that's on your head," he emphasized, "It'll be all your fault,"

"No, no, no!" Marc yelled stubbornly, breaking out, "You can't! I won't do it!" he began to smack himself repeatedly on his face, "I won't do it! You can't make me! You can't make me!"

"Marc. Marc," you hurried over to him, your heart breaking at what Wendy at done to him, "Marc! Stop it. Stop it," you tried to push his hands down.

Marc had taken a step back in caution and you tripped on your own foot, causing you both to fall back through a door.

You fell right on top of Marc and Steven stumbled after you both. You took in the setting of the familiar room you all were in currently.

"Bishop Residence," you muttered under your breath as you recognized the place. You got off of Marc and held out a hand to him in offer, pulling him up to his feet.

You saw yourself seated on the bed in the room with a toddler on your lap. The child in your arms had pale skin and raven hair. Kate.

Not too far away, Derek Bishop and Marcus Hill were in view. 

Derek was seated on the chair at the foot of the bed. Marcus was pulling out a book from a nearby bookshelf, undoubtedly about Egyptian mythology. His fluffy brown hair fell over his forehead as he looked down at the book in his hand.

"Is that Kate?" Steven asked curiously, pointing to you and the toddler on the bed, "Your niece?"

"Yeah," you nodded, a fond smile stretching at your lips.

Marcus Hill plopped down on the bed next to you, "So, who's ready for a story about the God Heka and Goddess Tawaret," 

"Oh, God, save us," Derek scoffed, covering his face with his hands and rested his elbows on his knees when he leaned forward.

Exchanging a non-verbal message between yourselves, you and Kate pretended to fall asleep and let out a loud dramatic snore. Kate's head was against your chest while you gingerly rested your own on her head.

"C'mon, you guys!" Marcus looked at you all in offence, "And by the way, Derek, I think it was a bad idea to make Y/N as Kate's godmother,"

"I think so too," Derek muttered.

"No," you gave both men a pointed look, "Men are weak. Pathetic. We're strong aren't we?" you gushed at the toddler in your arms.

"Stron'!" Kate muttered back in gibberish.

"Yes!" you egged on, "Woman are better than men and we'll kick their ass!"


"No— Kate—" You couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Derek's eyebrows shot to his hairline, alarmed at the word his daughter uttered. Marcus barked a loud laugh, clapping Derek's shoulder, "Like I said. Bad idea,"

The door swung open and Eleanor Bishop walked into the room.

Steven and Marc noticed how your shoulders had tensed at her arrival.

"Kate, honey," Eleanor strode towards you, "It's nap time. You need to rest,"

Kate posted her lips, sloppily pushing back the black locks of hair from her face, "But Auntie Y/N," 

Your heart did a little tug at the whiny tone of hers. With the constant missions with Clint Barton and Maria Hill, you were barely able to get any time for yourselves, and hence, visiting your niece had become scarce over time.

"Eleanor, maybe Kate could stay for a little longer," You tried to persuade the woman who clearly didn't like you. You had picked up on it when she learned that you work for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Kate leaned into your body, her small palm curling around the blue pendant you were wearing which was similar to Marcus'.

Eleanor didn't even acknowledge you, "You heard me, Kate. It's time,"

You took the hint and nodded, giving her child back to her, "Yeah, Kate,"

"Bye," Kate looked over her mother's shoulder at you with sad eyes.

"Bye sweetie." you blew her a quick kiss.

"Sorry," Derek mouthed to you before he followed after his wife, undoubtedly to call out on his wife's behavior against you.

Marcus noticed how your expression had dropped when Eleanor had taken Kate from your arms, "I never liked Eleanor too, you know,"

You gave him a look, "You don't have to pity me,"

"Wouldn't dream of it, Agent Bishop," Marcus pinched your cheeks and you swatted his hand away.

You did a double take at the window behind him and saw a familiar figure walking down the street in distance.

"Be right back," you hurried out of the room, leaving a clueless Marcus behind you.

The surroundings had changed and you and Steven and Marc were all in the street in front of Bishop Residence.

"Marc, just listen to me," you were trying to keep up with him, "Elias just wants to talk, okay?"

"You're still playing messenger between us?" Marc scoffed.

"I just want to help. I get that your Wendy—"

Coming to an abrupt stop, he spun around to face you, "I'm not a charity case. I don't need fixing or helping," he remarked, "I don't need you,"

You turned away from the scene, clenching your jaw. Marc, standing next to you, screwed his face in guilt. Steven's expression cleared in surprise and fury.

Your eyes had glazed over, but you had managed to keep up the cold front, "This is the part where you apologize,"

"This is the part where you leave," Marc spat back without missing a beat.

"Fine. Your loss," you shoved him back hard and strode away.

Unknown to you, he had watched you walk away back into the house and he even heard the broken whimper that had escaped your lips.

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

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