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~ Sakshi's Pov ~

Waking up to my Mother banging the door, calling me for Lunch! Yeah you heard it correct, lunch!

In my defense it's weekend, A Saturday where I literally complete the entire Quota of sleep throughout the hectic week! Hectic, You know why? Because An Ass**** of a boss misbehaved with me and so I just Resigned! But everything happens for good. Im hundred percent sure I'll have a better job with my Skills and grades. And the other reason being my sleepover plans which had Movie marathons going on entire Saturday night with My neighbor cum bestfriend, It was my way of coaxing myself!

So it isn't tiny bit of surprise even to my family that I got up directly for lunch skipping my morning tea and breakfast.

I just completed my daily chores and headed towards the dining.

My Mother stood across the kitchen with her arms crossed over her chest giving me one of her deadliest glares! I really would have been Intimidated by this gesture of hers, if I wasn't habituated to it! Come'on it's an every Saturday morning, um, no, not morning but Noon story for me!

I just sighed and had my lunch quietly, avoiding misusage of any words which could lead her to taunt me in any possible way, Which would only end with her Air quoting, "What will your mother in law think!? What will you answer when she asks- Is this what your mother taught you?" Every girl in a Desi family suffers through this and I warily offer my condolences to them!

Just as my lunch was over I met the 3 trouble makers of our house, My two cousins and our little pet kitten, Oreo! Spending some time with them really wipes out all the frustrations and Tensions of the week at least momentarily.

Sliding in my flip flops I made my way to Gargi's home, I just rang the bell and came across every member of her family but the only person I was searching for was missing! I know where she is! She's definitely with her So called Love of her life, Her bed! Well I never intended to separate those lovers but I really had to talk to her about something so I just made my way to her room. And as expected she was laying on her bed like a pig, Cuddling her Teddy which just Portrayed How single she has been throughout her life, well there definitely seems some Sincerity in my sarcasm..!

After millions of attempts trying to wake her up, Note the word trying, I just splashed the Water on her face making her to jump of her bed, yelling, "Tsunami! Tsunami!"

I couldn't stop myself laughing my ass out seeing her delusioned, chaotic and panic stricken face!

"I hate you so much Bitch!" She whisper yelled.
Did I tell you she swears A LOT!? Well never infront of elders which could harm her perfect Sanskari facade. She is literally a Sanskari infront of others, but only I know how much Harami she is in real. Whereas I'm the cool minded person whose deadliest swear can be YOU ARE A PIG. Well I'm a very peace abided person you see. I'm innocent but not naive!

"Feelings mutual My Sleeping Witch" I replied almost shouting every word in her ears knowing how annoyed she gets when someone yells near her ears as soon as she wakes up.

She just scoffed. "Why the hell are you here so early this morning!? I knew everyone's against our love baby!" She faked wiping her non existent tears coaxing her bed and pillow as if I was some villain of a Bollywood film trying to separate her from her lover more accurately a nonliving Bed!

"Drama Queen" I muttered under my breath and shifted my attention towards her clock lying just on her nightstand.

She followed my gaze and smiled sheepishly
"Good afternoon to you too" I said.

With all her might she got up from her bed and did her stuff in almost 45 minutes, I just waited for her munching the chips she just had hid beneath the bed!

Well I'm her bestfriend since so many years I know where she tends to hide her Stock of junks! And I must tell you she hates sharing it, but if I didn't irritate the shit out of her, will the society accept me to be a true Bestfriend!?

Once she saw me munching her chips she ran with a speed even Usain Bolt might feel dejected of and snatched that packet from me, Glaring me as if I committed some serious Crime.

I had the urge to put up a fight, snatch the packet back from her and run through her room with the packet of chips making her sprint behind me like a tail but supressing my urges I decided to come to the exact point why I was visiting her at the moment.

We both settled on the couch and the moment we started, We screeched in excitement! Kashmir, the mini Switzerland, Heaven in India, it has been in our go to list since we were like 16! And finallyyy we had finalized our trip for more then half a freaking month!

"So we will be leaving in 3 days, We are gonna enjoy this trip so much!" Gargi blasted making me lose my ability to hear. But seriously I was excited too!

"Yess! We are just gonna enjoy every bit of Kashmir, From snow to shikara rides to night stays in House boats to wearing those Kashmir ki kali outfits!" I replied with equal amount of enthusiasm

"Ughh! God! I'm so fucking excited" she yelled again Grinning widely.

"So let's have a girls day out tomorrow, Shopping some necessary and warm stuff which we would require" I said indicating the amount of packing that is pending.

"Hell yeah, we will just complete our packing tomorrow itself to prevent any kinds of hustles at the very last moment" she chirped in, to which I nodded.

"So rest everything Set!?" I asked her and she pretended to think with her forefinger tapping her chin and shrieked back saying "Nothings gonna be set till we reach Kashmir, My poor heart won't stop beating fast till I breath in the cool Kashmiri air and feast myself with delicious Kashmiri cuisine and not to forget the Pahadi Kashmiri Kava!"
She is a big foodie! She said about the later stuff with really her saliva drooling across her mouth!
Gross! Yukk!

"Sakshiii, have you thought you might see your prince charming in this trip? Do carry some chiffon sarees with skimpy blouses, I would GLADLY click some awesome pictures while you pose with jiju" Gargi said animatedly, which suddenly caused heat rise up my cheeks and my sudden urge to blush didn't go unnoticed by her, earning a laughter from her which really didn't help improve my already flustered state.
To tell you it was one of my fantasies as a kid to imitate Anushka and Ranbir from Ae dil hai mushkil!
I just threw a cushion on her, completely having no aim, which made the laughter erupt even more.

After bidding her a Bye I returned back to my house, helped my mother prepare dinner! And having it while watching Bigg Boss, oh I'm one of the greatest fans of it, but poor me, I don't have any particular person Whom I can discuss about it since no ones seems interested in it, I scrolled up my Instagram. Thinking tomorrow's gonna be a long day, I just Switched into my pajamas, did my daily skin care and called it for the day!

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