*.• 2 •.* Broken

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I get up from the bed when I decide I'm ready to. The memory of Diluc is still fresh in my mind, and I don't know if I like it or not.
     I've way overstayed my welcome by laying in bed for days after Diluc last came in here, and I've decided I'm ready to go back to reality again.
     There's a knock on my door that's too hard to be Jean or Lisa. It's probably a random Knight. "Yes, come in."
     The door opens to reveal Diluc. He has a small bundle in his arms. "Ah, you're awake. I had already been notified when you first woke up, but I had some business to attend to." He closes the door behind him.
     I stare at him in disbelief. "Diluc..?"
     I narrow my gaze. "If you're only here to apologize, don't bother. I don't want your halfhearted apologies," I grumble.
     "They are not halfhearted. They are wholehearted. And I brought you some food since I figured you haven't eaten in days. You need to regain your strength." He sets the bundle down on my bed. "I'll be waiting outside for you when you're done."
     "You'll be... waiting?"
     "Yes. Take your time eating."
     "Why? Are you taking me somewhere?"
     He glances away. "You'll see. There's no rush. My schedule is free for today." He opens the door and leaves, closing it behind him.
     I narrow my eyes. Now I'm suspicious. Diluc has never done this before. I look down at the bundle before taking it into my hands.
     The bundle contains an abundance of food I couldn't possibly hope to eat all in one sitting. Wrapped up to keep it preserved is a plate with slices of turkey drizzled with gravy with a side of mashed potatoes. The meat looks juicy. There's a small basket of bread rolls and some fresh fruit as sides.
     I unwrap the plate. My stomach growls with the might of an entire pack of wolves, so I begin to dig in. The meat spreads its juicy flavor across my palate, and the gravy slicks it up with a musky flavor. I take my time eating my fill.
     I'm half tempted to go see if Diluc really is waiting, but I see no reason why he'd lie to me like that. If he gets tired of waiting, he'll tell me.
     I continue eating my fill. I didn't get the entire plate spotless, but I managed a sizable chunk of the meat and mashed potatoes.
     I wrap up the bundle as best as I can, then I get dressed. My stomach feels like it's about to burst, but it's the best meal I've eaten in ages. I don't eat much these days. It's safe to say I drink more than I eat.
     I open my door only to be blocked by something red. "Ahhh! Diluc!" I back away. "Don't stand so close!"
     "I was... about to open the door." His face is stained pink. I swallow hard. He's... actually really cute. "Did you enjoy the meal?"
     "It was delicious. I enjoyed every bite. Tell Adelinde that she has my regards."
     "Oh. Actually, I cooked everything myself."
     I stare at him in bewilderment. He went out of his way to cook an entire dinner for me, then hand delivered it to me after all the stuff that happened a few nights ago when he kissed me... when even more nights ago, he wanted nothing to do with me?!
     I have to admit I'm beginning to accept his apology.
I swallow nervously.
"Shall we?" He gestures to the steps.
I nod, and he leads the way. We get a few looks, but no one says anything in opposition. We make our way carefully out of Mondstadt.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere you're familiar with." His hand brushes over mine, and I flinch away. I notice him gulp nervously.
I don't say anymore as I realize the direction we're headed in. The beaches beneath the Stormbearer Cliffs. The place we used to gather shells when we were young.
"Why are we going here?" I blurt out. I wasn't intending to say anything, but it came out.
"I just felt like coming here today, and I thought you'd enjoy it as well. If you'd like to leave, I can escort you back to Mondstadt."
I shake my head. "I wanna stay."
He grabs my wrist. "That's great news."
     The sea blows a ferocious wind into my face, and I cough a little from how breathless it makes me. "Diluc...? This is insane. I don't like this wind."
     "Oh? Hmm. It is windier than usual today." He scratches the back of his neck.
     I turn to him. "Umm... well, we're here."
     "Kaeya, I'm sorry about that night at my tavern. You just... irritated me." He takes my hand. "I truly do cherish you."
     I pull away. Now he's acting weird. "Diluc, what's wrong with you? You never act like this."
     "You're right. I suppose I'm feeling guilty." He grips my hand tighter. "I just want you to know how much I truly care about you."
"It's still not right for you to... do these things and say these things. You're not acting like you usually do."
"You just haven't been around me for that long. It's fine." He shrugs. "Kaeya, I care about you a lot." To my surprise, Diluc pulls me in for a hug.
"Diluc... this is making me slightly uncomfortable." This isn't right. None of this is right. This is like one big fever dream or something. Yeah, I must be dreaming. That's it.
"I'll never leave you again, Kaeya..." he murmurs.
I relax. "Diluc, that's so nice of..." I trail away as something pricks my neck.
"And you'll never leave me either."
Diluc jerks me into him, stabbing the needle into my neck. My eyes widen with shock. I rip myself from his grasp. "Diluc, what did you-?!"
His gentle smile makes my heart slam into my chest. No. This isn't happening. It can't be... My vision swims before me before slowly fading to black, rendering me unconscious.

My head pounds before my eyes open. "Ow... ow, ow, ow..." I grumble.
"Are you awake, Kaeya?" I recognize the heavy footsteps to be Diluc's.
"Barely..." I murmur.
"Good, good. You'll be quite alright." He lifts my chin with his fingertips. "You're pretty, Kaeya... A true gem."
"Diluc... what the hell is this?" I pull against my restraints. "Diluc! Let me go!"
"Shh, don't panic. If you behave yourself, I'll let you roam free." He kisses my cheek. "First, I'll have to... make sure you stay put." He stands up, hoisting his claymore over his shoulders.
"Diluc...?" I pant. The air in the wine cellar is dry and humid, and hot as hell. I feel like I'm about to pass out.
"Kaeya, calm down." He pulls my legs so they're laying straight out in front of me. "Stay still or this'll hurt more than intended." Without warning, he brings the blunt edge of his claymore down onto my ankle. A loud crunch pierces the air, and pain lances up my leg. I scream in pain.
Again and again, he slams his claymore into my ankles until it's bruised and bleeding in places, and my ankles are 100% broken.
"Diluc! Diluc, please! Stop!" I beg. I dig my nails into my head, pulling my hair in pain.
"Hey, calm down, Kae. It's not that bad, I promise. I just need to be sure that you won't run away. That's all." He leans forward and presses his lips onto mine. "You're beautiful."
"You're fucked up!"
"You're so beautiful."
"Yes?" He backs off a little. "What's wrong?"
     "I... What's wrong?! My... my ankles..." I huff as I try to stay awake. The throbbing pain and the unbearable heat are slowly poisoning me.
     "Your ankles will be fine," he reassures me. "Go to sleep now. You'll need it."
     The sound of him chuckling stains my nightmares. Fleeting shadows of Diluc run amok, wielding clubs bigger than a tree, and swinging at me. Each swing makes my ankles throb more and more.
     My feverish sleep doesn't last very long, and sheer panic stirs me awake again. Throb... My ankles throb. It hurts.
     I can't tell if I'm alone or not, but I don't see Diluc. He must've left.
     I reach forward slowly, gripping the planks with my fingertips, and slowly dragging myself towards the door. How will I get up the steps? I grit my teeth. Sweat drips down my forehead. "I cant..." I whisper.
     "Go to sleep, Kaeya."
     Diluc's voice rings in my head as a blunt object collides with it. All that's left now is the comforting void of forced sleep.

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