The worst thing Adrien's ever done

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[Warning 16+]

Adrien is sat quietly on Marinettes rolly chair the house is vacant, too silent. Adrien's thoughts flood through his brain with no negotiation. He had a very clear future planned in his mind the only one that seemed at all plausible and he only had around twenty minutes to make it cXm true. F*** he was already making dirty puns to himself.

Plagg: so do you want me to wait outside? I heard humans like to be alone while secreting their- seed.

Adrien: Plagg don't say it like that! We say 'jerking off'...

Plagg: yeah yeah, all's brie, just give me the cheese so you don't get any...'jerked off' on it.

Adrien: yeah yeah... *tosses more than a small bit of cheese in Plaggs direction from inside his shirt*

Plagg: *fazing through the floor* have fun secreting your seed in Marinettes room.

Adrien: well it's not!- F you... *stands up slowly* it's that. 

Adrien's intrusive thoughts: if I cXm on Marinettes pillow and tell her that it was a different one she would sleep with my CXm until she noticed the smell. She might rub her face all over it and drool on the CXm pillow- what if she walks in on me CXmming and i cXm more because of it? If she was still here would we be-?

Adrien: UGHHH I can't deal with these thoughts!

Adrien's intrusive thoughts: Marinettes kinda hot so if I think about her while i- cXm! right now! all alone. there's no one here come on. I could always call Marinette she had her headphones with her. we could do a little secret- CXm on Marinettes pillows! her blankets! I could afford to rub my cock all over her bedding cant I? The bed probably smells like h-

Adrien: what if they were joking? maybe she's pulling my leg and I'm not really allowed to. I'll text her! She seemed so serious tho. No, I should already be doing it right now! But what am I gonna do it to? *climbing into Marinettes bed* 

Adrien's intrusive thoughts: could always CxM TO MARINETTE~ That's a good idea cXm on I can just cream one out really quick. she won't know it was to her... It'd be fun... cXm on Adrien don't you wanna say her name while it happens? that'd be so so so much fun. I could send her a pic- 


Adrien's intrusive thoughts: ignoring the fact that it's specifically Marinette... the pillows smell like girl.

Adrien: okay... *gets on top of the most appealing pillow and does his thing* 

Adrien's intrusive thoughts: ahh~ augh~ yeah that feels good because Marinette sleeps on this.

Adrien: I just need NO THOUGHTS! *whips out his phone and types in three to four letters* 

a naked woman with black hair and blue eyes is her first search as his thoughts get the better of him.

Adrian's intrusive thoughts: this is too tiring! let's just do a super horrible raunchy thing and feel guilty about it later. We can blame it on hormones if it's that bad.

Adrien: fine.. I'll do the bad stuff. I just wanna get this over with.  *back and forth X10000*        F*** I wanna scream! 

Adrien's intrusive thoughts: without the s. 

Adrien: well... obviously... 

Adrien's pants rubbed against the blankets beside the pillows, it almost gave him more satisfaction than the current goal at hand. He wouldn't get the opportunity to leave stains on her bedding, he would of course have to do the do- trying pretty hard not to imagine Marinette's indecent words, still wet in his mind from the acting takes that had to do. Thank ladybug for the stuttering takes because that just meant he could hear every alternate way the staged conversation could be presented to him. Her breathy gasps before a couple of words seemed to leave Adrien's head with all but a brain freeze. Her hands as she gestured to him in the previous scripting, her unprotected skin simply playing the character- and it's not like she was showing an unwholly amount if that even existed. It was a classy amount, tasteful. Not something he was used to but he definitely could get used to it, maybe his eyes couldn't but his, Socks for special purposes could. 

Adrien: mari-marinette... 

Somehow, for some odd reason that instantly made him go faster. He was alone in Marinettes- He couldn't handle the situation. the only thought, that didn't have to do with marinette, running on what seemed to be a forever-lasting treadmill was 'don't cXm' he couldn't tell if it was an intrusive thought or not. After a while, he forgot why it was playing every second like a broken record in his mind.

Adrien: I'm not allowed to cXm, I need to though. I gotta clear these thoughts. she said do it but I forget where...I could text her. If I do that thought Alya and Nino might find out that this is happening. I can't just do it on her bed, can I? That would be rude of me... She said to be a good boy. and do 'it'. So obviously she does want me to do 'it'- NOt like that, in the waay that she would enjoy- But where??? I could just do it in her bathroom...there's no way I'm mobile enough to get up off the bed let alone walk all the way down stares and into her bathroom. I have to do it, don't I... Marinette might be mad at me if i- don't get rid of this, problem. *faster* Marinette is gonna be so happy when she founds out i got rid of the problem before she cXme back. she might even smile at- mmeh-mh- XXXXXXXX! *eh* 

Adrien's brain goes blank. all his focus is visual, he doesn't even notice Marinette's scent anymore. It's as if there's no difference between him doing it here and him doing it at home. After he realizes what he's done. He just sits there staring at it. The situation at hand. Adrien had used thoughts of Marinette to secret his seed on her bedding. It was unorthodox. This might've been the worst thing he's ever done.

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