Chapter 3

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It was about mid afternoon, Lady Ophelia was working at her small desk in her room. It was littered with papers, Jean had tasked her to organize all of the important papers for the Knight and Mondstadt.
The though of all the work bored her, yet Jean entrusting her to do something so important gave her the determination to want to do it.
She had already made 4 massive piles, a pile with the city's taxes, a pile for the city's checks, a pile for the city's overall spendings and savings, and a pile of old advertisement papers from Liyue.

After sorting out the last few stacks of paper, there was a knock on her door.
"Enter!" She said, thrilled to have company.
A familiar young blonde walked into the room.
"Ah, it's good to see you again Kamira. What can I do for you?"
Kami sat down in an extra chair on the opposite side of her desk. "I was hoping you could give me something I could help with, I've spent all week trying to find something to do."
"Hmm, why didn't you ask Jean, I'm sure she has plenty of work that she would be grateful if you could take it off her hands." Ollie-Mae suggested.
"No M'lady, I would feel ashamed to show my face to the Acting Grand Master after turning down her offer. I have come to you because I've heard of your close relationship with the Knights." Kami sighed.
"Well, there is nothing I can think of for you to do. Perhaps you can clean out the fountains, or you can hunt and bring some fresh meat for Sara."
"Of course! What lovely ideas Lady Ophelia! You have my gratitude." Kamira, eager to have something to look forward too, opened to door to leave.
"Kami, wait!" Lady Ollie-Mae stopped her. The blonde turn around curiously. "Tonight Lisa, Jean, and I will be at Angel's Share tavern. Care to join us?"
Kamira nodded. "I would be honored, thank you again." She smiled and left.

Lady Ophelia had returned the filed papers to Jean and had decided to take a walk around the city. There were small children running around the fountain and people hard at work running small businesses.
Suddenly she felt someone bump into her. She looked down to see a small child had ran into her.
"Woah! Your pretty!" The small boy cooed. Ollie-Mae smiled sweetly and bent down to reach the boy's gaze.
"Were you playing with your friends?" She asked sincerely.
"Yep! We made up a game called Run From Timmie! It's a game where Timmie is it and we all have to run from him."
"Hmm I see. Where is Timmie now?"
"Oh Timmie is at the bridge, he spends all his time with the birds. The only thing me and my friends could think of to get him to play with us was to make him the one to chase us in our game."
"Oh so Timmie doesn't even want to play." Lady Ophelia said sympathetically. "If he doesn't want to play then you should leave him alone."
The boy nodded and ran off to join his friends. Lady Ollie-Mae shook her head in amusement.
I'll go visit Timmie, perhaps he just needs a friend who will listen to him.

She had made her way to the bridge, there was a young boy with birds flying all around him.
"Hello there, you must be Timmie." Ollie-Mae asked.
Timmie nodded. "Yeah that's me."
"So," she decided to get straight to her question. "why don't you want to hang out with your friends? I think they miss you."
"I do want to hang out with them, but I also have to protect my birdie friends! If I don't watch them all the time, some traveler will kill them!" Tears started to well up in Timmie's eyes.
"There, there you one. It'll be alright. You should take a break from watching the birds and go enjoy some time with your friends."
Timmie sniffed. "Alright then."

The sun had finally set, Lady Ophelia was excited to hang out at this bar with her friends.
Once she was at the bars entrance she opened the door and was greeted by her friends. The place reeked of alcohol, but it didn't bother her, she was excited to try Mondstadt's specialty wine.
There was a bard playing near the door, his tunes were simple ones. Near the counter was the bartender, he had ginger hair and a serious look on his face. In the chairs next to the counter were Lisa, Jean, Kamira, and the young green bard she had seen a couple of days ago. Jean had saved a spot for her, Lady Ophelia sat down. She was offered the choice of drinks by the ginger bartender.
"Hmm I'll go with the dandelion wine please." Ollie-Mae decided.
The bartender nodded and turned away.
"Thank you, Master Diluc." Jean said to the bartender.
Lisa chuckled at Jean.

"One more for the bard please!" The green bard said drunken.
Diluc looked astounded. "You've already had more than thirty glasses."
"So? I want another one!"
Diluc sighed and poured another glass for him. He handed it to the bard, he gulped it down momentarily.
The bard layed his head on the counter. "Wouldn't*hic*flying be faster." The bard mumbled sleepily.
Lady Ophelia smirked at the genuine worry Kamira had on her face as she look at the bard.
"Venti? Are you ok?" Kami poked his shoulder.
"Hm?" Venti sighed groggily.

Lisa, Jean, and Ollie-Mae were exchanging stories throughout the night. She was having an amazing time, and everyone was smiling.

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