Chapter 31- Travis

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All we do is party and love- Ara

Faith wouldn't know but I spend the rest of the party watching her. I watch her relate her sisters, I watch her eat, I watch her expressions whenever I send her random messages, they range from good to bad, depending on what I send her. I watch her so much I start creeping myself out.

I was setting myself up for major heartbreak here, granted, what I said to Alex earlier about the possibility of her liking me was true. But just because someone likes you doesn't mean they won't turn you down. And I wasn't taught to not speak up when I like somebody, or something.

I'm starting to see Umar's point of view here. Nonetheless, it's hard to not set myself up for heartbreak. It's bad enough that she looks pretty at school, seeing her outside school dressed up like a model is just heart wrenching. It's like seeing all you could have but you don't.

This however, does not explain my behavior with her today. I actually teased her, I mean that's something Alex would do. And we've got pretty different tactics. I guess when I saw her, I was immediately reminded of how close we were on Monday. This close to kissing. Not that I would do that. Unless she explicitly told me to.

I should probably stop thinking.

When the party ends dad makes us leave immediately, something about him having chest pains and needing to sleep. He sits in the front seat next to the driver and sleeps off there. I'm worried about him but he's probably just stressed. They wore him out at this stupid party.

Faith: Where are you?

I'm trying to not think about you.

Travis: OTW home. My dad got a little bit sick
Faith: is he okay?
Travis: he'll be fine. Where are you?
Faith: having ice cream
Travis: really?
Faith: in my car

She sends me a picture of her in the car. The ice cream is in her hands and she's grinning like a child. It makes me smile.

Travis: you look like a rabbit
Faith: are you trying to tell me I look cute?
Travis: maybe
Faith: well thank you. So do you.
Travis: I look cute?
Faith: when you aren't opening your mouth.

This makes me laugh out loud. Oh God what am I doing?


"Travis, get me a glass of water and the sachet of Panadol," Dad calls from his bedroom. I do as he says and grab the Panadol from the kitchen.

"You should talk to mum," I advise him as I enter his room. He sits up and takes the glass from me.

"It'll be too early in Jersey," he counters.

"She'll pick up if she sees it's you."

"I have a headache, I don't see how your mum in Jersey can solve that." I hand him the Panadol.

"She can solve everything. Are you sure you don't need to call the doctor? You look a bit...pale." And he's brown skin.

"I'm fine. Did you enjoy the party?" He asks, resting his back on the wall. I take a sit on his bed.

"I enjoyed the food."

"And the dance I suppose?" I don't need to look at him to know he's grinning. My dad and I are quite similar.

"She's pretty isn't she?"

"Beautiful, what did you say her name was again?"


"Where's she from?"

"I'm not getting married to her dad."

"Where's she from?" He repeats.

"She's Igbo. I'm not sure where exactly she's from."

"That explains a lot. Igbo girls are always very pretty."

"Uhuh, I'm in a dilemma though."

"Are you now?" He looks so amused.

"I think I like her. I'm pretty sure I do."

"You're 18 Travis, focus on your studies."

"That sounds like something mum would say."

"You're both very smart kids, and you've got great futures ahead of you. If you really like her, it won't hurt to wait a little. Until you're actually ready for a relationship."

"What makes me not ready now?"

"You're 18. The way you see the world now will be quite different from the way you see it in a couple of years to come." When I don't reply he places his hand on my hand. "I'm not saying you don't know what you're doing. I trust your judgement enough to believe that if you like her, she must be amazing. But some things have to be treated with the delicateness that they deserve. If you truly believe that she's that girl, then it won't hurt you to wait until you can support her, mentally and materially."

"But what if someone else dates her?"

"You're 18," he says once again. "Chances are that relationship won't last a year."

"Probably," I concede.

"You good?"

"When do you think I'll be ready?" I ask. He smiles softly.

"You'll know son, you'll know-" he inhales sharply, causing me to look at him. In one quick moment, my father's eyes roll over and his shoulders slump. It's like the life has been sucked out of him.

"Dad," I call even though I know it's useless. I check his pulse, he's still alive. I can still save him. Yelling for help, I run outside to the small house that our driver lives in.

"Help! My dad just slumped!" I tell him once he opens the door. Alarmed, he runs into our house and I follow closely.

"Come on, hold his legs." He orders. I do as he says and together we carry him out of the house. In less than five minutes we're out of the house and on the way to the hospital. I dial my aunt's number and she picks on the first ring.

"Bawo Ni?" She asks as usual. It's supposed to be a joke of some sort but I don't have time for banter, I cut to the chase.

"Aunty Anjola, daddy slumped. We're on our way to the hospital-"

"Ehn!? My brother!!?"

"We're going to Andrew's hospital. Please come quick."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."


Daddy always loved this hospital because they were quick, efficient and everybody in it smelled like they'd just come out of a rose garden instead of a ward filled with sick people.

As I sit, waiting patiently for Aunty Anjola to come out from the doctor's office I think of how my dad is now in one of those wards. The doctor took one look at him and said: to the emergency room.

I don't know what happened next.

Aunty Anjola finally comes out. Her hair is covered with a new black scarf. She was about to sleep when I called her so she drove here in her pajamas and bathroom slippers. I thought she looked sad coming outside of the office but when her eyes fall on me, she looks even more sad.

"Is he dead?" I ask immediately. She gapes at me.

"God forbid. Why would you think that?"

"What is it then?"

She keeps quiet. She sighs and takes a seat next to me.

"Your mum's already on the plane. She'll be here tomorrow."

I really don't care about that now.

"What's wrong with my dad?"

"Travis. Dayo has cancer. Stage three lung cancer."

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