Chapter 18// I Will Unleash Silver

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"Wow" The woman says, I nod even looking back the whole thing did seem a little farfetched.

"I know" I reply raising my eyebrows at her.

"Well what happened next?" She asks me shaking her pen, she brings it back down to her paper and scribbles what looks like a spiral in the corner of her page. When it doesn't work she tries shaking it again, the pen suddenly out of ink. I suppress a laugh as she stands up and goes behind her desk tossing the pen in her hand in the trash and pulling an identical one out of her side drawer, with a huff she sits back down trying to get comfortable.

I grin twisting in a lame attempt to crack my back, "The first thing I did was text Silver code red, then I went over to Blaine's house where I knew he'd be hiding in his room."

I knock furiously on his door begging for him to let me in, after a couple minutes I decide it was pointless and push the door open. The room's a mess all the posters he had put up not to long ago now scattered and crumpled on the floor. I spot Blaine standing on top of his bed trying to reach more posters.

"Blaine?" I say taking a step into the room, he doesn't even flinch the sound of ripping filling my ears as he tears the 1975 in half. I watch silently as he continues to move around the room.

"Alright, I'm here" Silver announces bursting into Blaine's room "What's going on?" I shoot her a look and then point to Blaine, it doesn't take her long to figure out what had happened.

"I'll kill him" She growls under her breath.

"Do you think I should paint the room purple? Or maybe just one accent wall?" Blaine asks us breaking his silence.

"I think you should stop moving for a second" I tell him, he snorts

"And do what? Cry because Jake Man broke my heart?" He asks jumping off the bed "I should have known it was all a joke, it's fine I have more important things to care about."

"Blaine" I beg

"No I think he's right" Silver says both Blaine and I eye her skeptically "Yeah no, I mean this is good let's never talk about him again he's an asshole, I bet your whole relationship was a dare or something" Confused I bump my shoulder in Silver but she keeps going "Oh and I think you should just paint the whole room purple and why stop there? In fact I think we should paint 'I hate Jake Man' on the wall behind your bed."

"Ok I think you're taking this a little too far now" Blaine warns, Silver chuckles.

"Why I mean he is the biggest man whore in our school right?"

"No, he's not" Blaine defends "He's just confused" Now I understand what Silver's doing.

"But Blaine he broke your heart doesn't he deserve to be punished, in fact if it wasn't for the fact I'd get expelled I'd go up to him tomorrow and punch him straight in the-"

"Silver stop" Blaine cuts off "He has enough going on"

Even with what Jake had done to him Blaine was able to understand why, I know he was hurt he had a right to be. But Silver was trying to show Blaine that his redecorating his room and pretending Jake didn't exist wasn't going to solve anything. It was actually a brilliant strategy and I couldn't help but wonder how many times she had used it on me. "So do you want to talk about it?" Silver asks calmly a proud smile on her face. Blaine gives her a defeated look then nods dropping Matt Healy from his hand and sitting down on his bed.

"He cheated on me" Blaine exhales "With fucking Mary"

"Wait Mary, Mary? As in cutest couple Gavin's Mary?" Silver asks in shock. Blaine nods furiously. "Shit, do you see what happens when I leave school everything gets screwed up" Blaine chuckles sadly and I pat his leg as he continues to vent.

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