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Class went by as slow as ever, paining the (h/c) hair colored girl forcing her to sit still for so long.

The teacher had been explaining a concept that Y/n had already learned the year before so paying attention wasn't gonna do her any good. Laying her head down on her desk, she closes her eyes. She drifts to sleep, still sitting in class.

The bell rings on schedule causing the rest of the students to get up and head to their lunch break. Amao headed down the stairs to the cooking club to wait for Y/n. However, when she didn't show up for the first 15 minutes he got worried.

He walked through each floor of the school before finally reaching the third floor and finding her asleep at her desk. The brunette walked over to the unconscious girl and tried shaking her awake.

"Y/n? Wake up." The girl shot up, surprised at the sudden movement and noise. She looked over to see Amao and immediately calmed down. "Oh god!"

Her body relaxed seeing the familiar face. "It's just you, you scared me." She looked around the empty classroom in confusion.

"Where's everyone else?" He laughed at the girl and smiled. "You fell asleep. I waited for you in the cooking club but you never showed up."

Guilt washed over the (h/c) hair colored girls face. She stood up meeting his height apologizing. "Oh no Amao i'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to fall asleep..."

He patted her shoulder comforting her. "No worries! We can always have lunch tomorrow." Y/n nodded, glad that she would be able to make up for her mistakes.

Amao went to speak, when he was cut off by Y/n having a sneezing fit. "Woah Y/n! Bless you! Are you feeling okay?" He asked worried about the girl he liked.

She nodded before sneezing again. Amao shook his head and put his arm over her shoulder guiding her to the nurses office. "You probably got a cold from this morning! No wonder you fell asleep, let's get you to the nurse."

"Amao you really don't have to walk me there."

"But I want to, so I will." She smiled at him and they continued the walk to the infirmary.

The pair walked into the pink and white decorated infirmary looking around. "Huh, I wonder where the nurse is..." Amao said as he checked the other side of the room for any sight of life.

Y/n sat down on one of the beds, suddenly feeling light headed. She put her head in her hands and groaned. "Ugh, I feel terrible."  Amao frowned at the girl and sat down next to her putting his arm over her shoulder.

Y/n subconsciously leaned into the brunette. They sat in that position for a while, until Amao went to tell the girl lunch was almost over. When he looked over the girl was asleep on his shoulder.

A blush grew on his face looking down at the girl. He could get used to looking at her every day.

"Ah! I'm sorry how long have you two been sitting here? Can I help you?" Amao looked up to see a pink haired male looking down at him. "Oh yeah, my friend here caught a cold this morning." He motioned the girl asleep on his shoulder.

"Oh! Well since she's already asleep we should probably let her rest. Are you her boyfriend?" The blush on Amao's face grew larger. "O-oh no! We're just friends!"

The male nurse nodded. "Well, I'm Mujo Kina, but you can just call me Mujo!" The bell rang as he finished his sentence. "Oh! And there's the bell. If you want to run along to class I can keep an eye on your friend!" The brunette nodded and slowly raised the girl off his shoulder laying her down in a more comfortable position.

The light hits Y/n's eyes, going through her eyelids. She woke up, slightly opening her eyes trying to get used to the light.

As she opened her eyes she was met with another face. They stared back at each other before they both jumped back, shocked.

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