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'Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.'


The past week, my bestfriend, tori has been going on and on about this random elvis movie.

I mean I love elvis but I have work.

But to be fair, I would rather watch a movie than go to work.

She says, and I quote, that if I don't go watch it with her she will 'unleash a roach into my bed'

So im going to watch the movie.

Ain't no roach getting in my bed.
HELL no.


I don't really know anything about this movie.

I hope they chose a good person to be elvis.
They better not make him look stupid.

Elvis though.
He's like so hot and his voice is so beautiful.

And Priscilla. I'm on my knees for her.

How did i get onto this?


"Ooo can we get popcorn?" Tori asked
"Did you bring money?" I asked her
"" She quietly said
"Then I'm not spending my entire life savings for a grain of popcorn" I told her.
"It is expensive to be fair." She agreed

We walked into the theatre.

We were sat waiting for the movie to start, watching the same ads play over and over.

I sat scrolling through insta, on my old account stalking toris old account and laughing at her.

"Stop" tori whined as I died laughing

I scroll onto my old 'friend', austin.

I burst out in laughter.
That 2000s typical popular kid look is HILARIOUS.

I screenshot.

"I am not gonna look and embarrass myself." Tori said
"It's not you, don't worry." I laughed.

"Hey do you remember austin from school?" She blurted out
"Funny you said that I just saw his old account" I said
"I try not to. But yes, I do remember him." I added
"So yeah he's kinda elvis in this" she told me
"It's about elvis " I corrected
"No but like he plays elvis" she explained
I scoffed "sure."
She just laughed nervously.
"Don't do that." I said
"Don't do what?" She asked
"That judgy laugh." I said
"you won't recognise austin anyway"
"Yeah cause it won't be him. There's no way. He was always gonna be the most unsuccessful person ever" I said

The lights dimmed before we could argue any longer.

Half way through the movie I actually realised it was actually austin and tori was deadass serious.
What the fuck.

Out of all people, like come on. He doesn't deserve this.

Elvis doesn't deserve such dirt on his name.

Austin sucks.
Seriously, sucks.

Elvis would be SO disappointed.

But creds to Austin, kinda, he did kinda good I guess.

(I don't like to admit it. That's the nicest I'll be.)


As we were finally out of the movie theatre. i decided to speak to tori.
Not her fault austin was a dick throughout high school.

And he's trying to live off being elvis, like seriously, when will he get a life?

"So it was him." I mumbled
"What did i say?" She said
"You did say it was him" I shrugged off
"You just hate it when I'm right!" Tori laughed
"No I just hate austin and my entire personality is based on hating him." I said
"He wasn't THAT ba-"
"He wasn't that bad to you." I cut her off
She smirked and shrugged. "Maybe that's his way of flirting."
"Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up" I repeated while covering my ears

There was a pause.

"So are you coming to the party with everyone?" Tori asked trying to give as little information as she could
"Who's 'everyone'?" I asked
"Oh you know, just the guys from highschool" she told me.
"So does that mean austin is going?" I asked
"I mean he threw it so yeah." She admitted
"Well no, then I'm not coming." I said, slightly disappointed it was Austin.
"Come on! He was nice enough to invite us! It'll be some fun!" She begged
"Since when did you like him so much?" I complained
"I don't I just think it will be fun." She said.
"Once a dick, always a dick." I sighed and said
"Yet he doesn't have one" she adds in.
I laugh.
"So does this mean your coming now?" She asks
"Fine. I'm doing this for you. But If there isn't drinks there, im leaving." I warned her.
"There's obviously gonna be drinks. It's Austin." She reassured me
"Eh. True." I said.


We got home and I decided to search austin on Google.

Turns out he's kinda been in a few shows and that.

None of my intrest.

-end of chapter one-

this chapter is really short, sorry! The other ones are longer. <3.

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